my symptoms...does it sound like ms

hello all. - ok in short,10 months ago,i started feeling tired,over the next few months more tired,then proper fatigued ,which comes and go about once a week,but everyday feeling very tired.loads of bloods done,all good,saw neurologist who tested my reflexes and muscle legs are not as strong as they should be,and i have no ankle reflexes,all other test were ok.i get migraine with aura,no head acheh which started a few years a bit wobbly,lose balance every now and then,but only for a milli second,neuro is sending me for an mri this wednesday,to see if its spinal stenosis,cus he doesnt think its ms (on seeing me for 15 mins?) would the mri pick up lesions on my lower spine if i were to have ms ? - oh and vision is a bit blurry…ish,things seem to move if i look at them for more than a few seconds…just wanted to know if any of this sounded familier to any one…thanks,mike.

Hi Mike, well yeah, it could be MS, but it could be something else, which has similarities with MS…like trillions of other conditions do!

Glad to hear the neuro has ordered an mri…he cant do much without one.

Are you due an eye test? Perhaps that would be a good idea to have one.

Have you got another neuro appt yet? You should be getting one to discuss the findings of the mri.

It can be an awful time, wondering what the chuff is going on, but hang in there kid…

luv Pollx

Hi Mike,

IF there was a lesion or lesions on your spine, then yes, the MRI should pick them up.

I was initially MRIed for a suspected “slipped disc” (not stenosis, but a mechanical problem, the same - they thought the disc could be pressing on the spinal cord).

They didn’t find the slipped disc - however, they did find a spinal cord lesion - the scanner got it.

One thing I will say, though, is they are not that easy to see - I was lucky to have a very eagle-eyed neurosurgeon (not neurologist, at that time, as they still expected it would be the slipped disc). It was very, very faint, and not the type of thing he’d been looking for (obvious bone problem), so he was on the verge of discharging me, before he said: “Wait a moment - I want to know what that is!”

“That” looked about as solid as Scotch mist, and no wider than a strand of dental floss - no clearly defined edges. So I was very lucky (ha - if you can call it that!) that he picked up on it, even though it was so subtle, and not at all what he was looking for.

I’m not suggesting overlooking lesions is rampant, but IF they’re really hard to see, and IF the person looking was expecting something completely different, it’s not automatic they would see them. All humans - not just radiographers and consultants - have a tendency to see what they were looking for, but not what they weren’t. So yeah, the machine would pick it up OK. Whether the person doing the interpretation would is slightly less certain.
