Ms & Bipolar

Hello all and everyone,

Sunny in the garden today so it’s a good day! :ok_hand:t2:

I have struggled in silence for the past 10-12 years as I’ve resisted accepting giving in to MS and driving forward (to hell with the cost).
That ‘maverick’ attitude did great for my career (in front of people at least) but made me sooo mentally frazzled, pretending I was fine that I’ve now been diagnosed with Bipolar as well. Yay :weary:

Has anyone on here had similar experience? I ask as having spend the past 15+ years trying to understand my MS, prepare for the future, educate myself on knowing MS symptoms from just tiredness or getting older. Now, I’ve no idea what causing what, who the fu** I am or even if I actually able to continue being the same person as realistically, the only reason I got bipolar diagnosis is I finally hit a depressive episode so bad that I became suicidal.

Surely I deserve a break no? Just 6 little numbers on a Weds or Sat night. :joy:

Anyway, happy Sunday

Good luck with the little numbers. Isn’t ‘co-morbidities’ a nasty term? I’m sorry that you have one, and such a tricky one to deal with, too. Here’s to fair weather and good breaks all round, yes?

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We are all paddling this boat towards a lotto win and I get it completely - I’m on medication to keep me stable emotionally as MS can play havoc with our emotions - as long as you are getting help - my son was diagnosed as bipolar - not easy but we’re all here for you

I am sorry that you are going through this - everything crossed for you that there are better days ahead and a road less bumpy! Hope the meds help. Here if you want to talk :slight_smile:

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