hi all,

Just got my copy of my mri that i had done on 7th june…mega fast eh?

I have had a look at it and being totally unqualified and some what awe struck seeing the images. I can confirm that i do indeed have a brain and that it looks very pretty and fascinating!!

Other than that…no idea what any of it means. There is one very bright spot that wasn’t on previous mri but as i didnt have gd i presume its nothing and there is another spot not so bright, again not on last mri, but like i said…no idea.

Also i haven’t had an appt to see my neuro to get the results yet. Will wait til next weeek and ring and book one i think?

Hoping that everything is ok and that i am just unable to tell what these mri pics are all about. Not worrying at all and happy to stick head in sand until i know anything more.

Oh, have to say again, glad i bought copy of mri coz it is sooo incredibly cool looking at the images!!! Very comforting to see that i have all the right things in all the right places too…i even have a spine and a few other internal organs which the images picked up !!! hahahaha having fun looking at them anyway. Hubby even commented on what a pretty brain i have LOL !!

Any advice or not very welcome, chat soon when seen consultant neuro again and hope everyone is well and happy also !


wow just read last sentence and brain has made hands type it bit rude! it meant to say…any advice welcome or no advice if you like me and have no idea what it means lol…sorry guys!


Hi lea

Your brain does sound really pretty :wink: I too have just had brain mri done about two weeks ago - however I haven’t yet seen my images. My neuro has said i have inflammation in brain and spinal cord, so need to see a specialist on Saturday.

It’s good that you are taking a positive approach to it - it really is the best way forward :smiley:

I would ring your neuro’s secretary and get him to call you to discuss the results and then he can say whether or not he would like to see you again or refer you- I did that as I was too impatient lol.

Take care,

C xx

Hi Lea

Glad you’ve had the MRI’s done, hope you get an appointment soon. Keeping your head in the sand in the meantime is no bad thing!


Brains are seriously coooooool :slight_smile:

Pretty ones especially :slight_smile:

Hopefully the MRI report will be along shortly to tell you if there’s anything going on that shouldn’t be.

Karen x