I am new to the forums, registered a while ago but am seeking some advice following a letter I received from the neurologist.
I was diagnosed in 2009 from an MRI and a lumbar puncture, RRMS.
I have now received a letter from my last MRI
. No evidence of active enhancement and no lesions within the corpus callosum. Normal orbit, score based pituitary and no vascular anomaly. MRI show ventricles and subarachnoid spaces normal. White matter signal abnormal,it’s sub cortical.
c2-c3 and c4-c5 degenerate disc no root compromise or cord.
Conclusion was that there is no evidence of pathological enhancement to suggest Ms disease activity.
The letter then goes on to say lol of my previous MRI Nd records of lumbar puncture have been lost!
My GP is not happy with this as an MS diagnosis since I have supposedly had MS for 15 years.
I would maybe read the letter as saying that there’s no evidence of current MS activity, not necessarily that your MS diagnosis is wrong.
But you can only get proper answers from your neurologist. Your GP isn’t likely to have the specialist knowledge to interpret the MRI (though s/he probably knows more than me!). If you don’t have an upcoming neuro appointment in order to get the letter explained, perhaps you can either send an email to his/her secretary to pass on, requesting an explanation. Or write a letter directly to the neurologist. Or of course, phone the neurologists secretary and ask for an appointment to discuss.
It doesn’t seem terribly useful to send you a letter like that with nothing added to help you make sense of it. Hopefully you’ll get an answer soon.
I thin my GP is saying that the lesions are not in a common area for MS lesions too. The MS nurse could not easily identify the lesions when she should me the scan. I think they are very old ones which have not disappeared.
Do they always disappear? i thought that they showed up as black holes.
I dont understand how they have lost all of my records, as I have endless MRI scans and also the lumbar puncture.
I think I do need to challenge them, as surely even if it is not on the computer, then they should have some sort of record in my paper file.
My problem now is that my neurologist has now retired and I am waiting to see a new one.
They can loose anything sadly. I expect your notes are filed under a different letter of the alphabet. Most MRI anyway are stored in a machine. I only ever had one in 2007 when i paid for it and got the big massive films in a very large envelope. Later i paid for another one, and it was on a DVD disc. So where did you have your MRI contact their department and ask if they have copies or really your GP could do that.
I would just wait now for your new appointment with the new neurologist.
I agree that just because there is no knew activity doesnt mean there isnt any. Did you have brain or spinal MRI?
Somewhere will be your notes.
Sorry i cant be more helpful, but your new neurologist will probably find them. Good luck Helen. x