A lighthearted post folks what music do you have in your MRI , guys know me well & everytime they say
ah Sean your album is ready & out blasts Blackout - Scorpions they are a great bunch
A lighthearted post folks what music do you have in your MRI , guys know me well & everytime they say
ah Sean your album is ready & out blasts Blackout - Scorpions they are a great bunch
I’ve only had one MRI, they put the radio on for me but I couldn’t hear it through the ear plugs and defenders and over the MRI machine, so I had a nap.
I only ever had one and the music was Tchaikovsky’s Sleeping Beauty. Very apt was the noise would have woken the dead.
JBK xx
Elvis Costello - My aim is true - he has been with me through three MRI’s and would have had him join me this time but left him in my bag so had their classical tracks which were fine. Needs to be something which is reasonably loud or it is drowned out by the clanging - Scorpions would drown out any noise from the machine - my only problem would be not dancing to it! Might make the images a bit blurry
Saw Elvis live last year - great evening
No choice where I have mine done - Heart radio.Given a choice I would go for Queen but then again I would find it difficult to keep still so perhaps boring Heart radio is chosen for a reason it sends me to sleep.
It was radio at one hospital, nothing at the other and Im due another scan soon at another different hospital so il let you know what they do! Im such a hospital shuffler!
hi sheep
i always say no music please-tho i have changed hosp but they will eventually stop asking me i am sure! i find the rhythmic pounding of the machine relaxing and doze off!
They always have Radio Stoke,so I have it switched off, usually fall asleep!
They generally like to put Westlife on for me… Seems like a bit of a p*** take as I’m into indie rock kind of stuff!
Michael buble - does it for me every time!
Well I would have played Dope - Die MF Die but Scorps Blackout is a good call
He is a different version
I did have Two Suns, by Bat for Lashes, but it was a bit of a waste of time, as I couldn’t even make out what track it was on, above the noise of the machine.
I was dimly aware something was trying to play in the headphones, but if I didn’t already know, because I took it in, I don’t think I could have identified the artist.
I’ve had two mri scans, the first I got “easy listening” I can only remember the first track which was California a Dreaming. It was awful crowded in their with me and mamma cass! The second I got earplugs and listened to all the banging.
They always have Radio Stoke,so I have it switched off, usually fall asleep!
[/quote] Is that at stoke by any chance? If so then you have just answered about my next scan! Also I must apologies because i just pressed report instead of quote on this post - stupid sausage fingers and iphones do not mix sorry
Yes, that is at Stoke(not had an MRI there since the move) but if you’re lucky you may get sent to Sandy Lane,Nuffield much nicer Dr Al Arajah sends you there occasionally, may have been during the move to the new bit but also got sent to Clayton Nuffield as well! lucky me! lol…still Radio Stoke though!
I can’t remember the music as I fell asleep on both MRI scans that I had. I would have chosen tunnel of love by dire straits. Neil
I’ve had 4, but didn’t get any music, had to make music up in my head with the chugging and digga digga sound!
I actually enjoy the pseudo-industrial sounds of the MRI itself…It’s alternately Kraftwerk-Big Black-and Laurie Anderson in a boisterous love triangle. And that’s strangely dreamy to me. I mean chuft…it’s so very chuft indeed.
im glad im not the only 1 that finds it hard to keep still my feet were tapping the beat cheers Hobs
i quite like that a tad different
i think if it was a choice of radio or machine noise id go for machine noise as there’s nothing on the
radio these days that grabs me
Good choice!