Mobility scooter danger campaign! What do you think?

I haven’t got one either Pat , but I saw a bloke with one the other day and was distinctly jealous :slight_smile:


yes Sally 60 , I’ve had a few pedestrians walk into me after I’ve stopped !! ,(not looking where they’re going) nearly end up sat on your knee

Nice one John, next time it happens and I am sure it will I will ask if he wants a ride.

I suppose a force field (as used by the USS Enterprise) would be a bit too costly ? , sorry , just being daft :slight_smile:

or am I ? LOL

it’s not so bad around home on the road (in the countryside) cause I have my dog in tow , and I tend to get a wider berth from pedestrians then

We could all wear glowing suits and have a man with a white flag walk in front of us and still some people would not notice us, we are percived as ‘the disabled’ people do not want to ‘see us’

How about this then? a brochure from a local mobility dealership, advertising a new type of scooter;

for those with no arm control…you steer it with your feet!!!

Crikey, bet I could do some damage with one of them!

luv Pollx