She’s here! Our beautiful and oh so gorgeous Sophie Solitaire!
I am using my tablet, as there isn’t room on my knee for Sophie and my laptop.
She’s just having an after lunch nap.
When we arrived at her breeders yesterday and she was brought to us, the first thing I said was, ‘She doesn’t look like Lucy!’ Her snout is broader and her eyes are differently shaped. I’m glad about that. They are different dogs after all.
As I had cuddled her all the 2.5 hours home, she tried to sleep, but the bumps and noise of the M62, M56 and M6 kept waking her up and startling her. I tried to assure her that life wasn’t going to be like that forever and it would be much better once we were home. Think she believed me!
So, once home, she trembled a bit. I introduced her to Lucy and Poochi in their resting place. I showed her round her new, furever home. Then let her explore. Hubby gave her some doggy bix and chicken… She ate some. I had to give her water off my fingers, as she wouldn’t drink it from her new pink polka dot bowl.
Then it was bedtime, where she licked me like mad and snuggled into my neck and slept…till 6am, when it was wake mummy up time with another face wash and a ‘tickle my belly’ request!
Bev, my carer, came at 9 and Sophie and I hid under the duvet, for her to find. Bev squealed with delight and fell in love with her. She said my face was different and the house was different…
Calm and so very happy with our new little girl!
Isn’t life great.?
Excuse me please, I have to close. I am being shown a soft pink belly which just has to be tickled,…it’s Sophie’s, not Hubby’s!!!
Much love from a very contented Polly. Xxx