Medical cooler bag to give away (useful for e.g. Avonex)

Hi everyone

I have now moved away from using Avonex to taking Ocrevus, so I no longer have a need for my Avonex cooler bag. It comes complete with the 2 ice-packs for transportation of the medication.

It would be such a shame to dispose of this in the rubbish as it’s hardly been used. Would anyone out there want this (free of charge, obviously!)? I’m based in East London and work in Victoria, so I’d be happy to hand this over to someone in either of those places. I’d also be happy to deliver it as long as I can get to you on public transport within London.

Thank you

This has now been taken :grinning:

I was on Copaxone for 20 years. In the last five years of taking it, it was allowed to stay at room temperature for seven days. I am now The same that you were about to take. I just had my first full dose four weeks ago. I don’t know what I should be looking for in no way the drug interacts with the disease in my mind. And I also think it may be too soon. After the initial anxiety and fear, it’s OK I’ve had no side effects from it so that’s a good thing. Good luck.