Hello to one and all.
Just found you on the Net and was wondering if i could share with you good people some weird symptoms i have been suffering for the last 7/8 Months.
Yes, i have visited my GP who sent me for an MRI scan of my left Shoulder and my Head a week ago.
Had a phone call from the Receptionist at the doctors saying, my doctor wants to see me, but not untill she returns from a 2 week holiday, She booked me in for the 28th December.
Obviously for the results of the MRI. Cant be that inportant if she is keeping me waiting untill after Xmas.
Ok, I am a 46 year old Normally heathy male. For the last 7/8 months now i have been experiencing some crazy goings on with mostly the Left side of my upper body.
At first i thought i was having a stroke. (Not yet ruled out) maybe a TIA?
Went to the Doctors, she sent me for an MRI, also she has booked me to see a nurologist in early Jan 13.
Wont know anything untill she gets back. Very Frustrating!
I would just like to list the things that i have been experiencing, and maybe get some feedback.
Here goes! Left ear, Left Nostril, Left side of chin, Left eye socket, Left cheek, Left side of neck, Left shoulder, Left arm, Left hand, All the Fingers & thumb on Left hand…
Numbness and Tingling with all the above.
Sharp pain on side of head (Left).
Forgetting things like i have never done before, (Seems just Short Term loss).
Heavy heavy nightime sweats.
Left leg keeps giving way, as if someone came behind me and collapsed my leg by pushing their knee into the back of my knee…
Terrible Cramps in calfs and feet, especially at night.
Hot burning pain in Left shouder blade (constant).
I have begun to stutter and mix my words up (ocasionally)
Speech somtimes a bit Wonky.
My dear Mum passed away from a condition called FTD (Picks)
And my uncle passed away at an early age, he had MS, last part of his life was spent in a wheel chair.
Do any of the above symptoms sound anything like MS.
Looking back on my family history, most passed away from Strokes and Heart attacks.
Its the waiting thats a bit worrying, not like i can just jump the queue.
Many thanks for looking. Matt.