A newbie to the forums here, I have recently been having a quite a few weird problems and have been to the docs and got an MRI appointment through for 3 weeks time and a neurologist appointment should be coming though soon. MS has not been mentioned but then nothing else has either, so im just looking for some input as to weather this could be MS or something else, I realise its something that is notoriously difficult to diagnose.
a brief description of my symptoms are as follows, if I write it all it would take forever, but I still apologies for the long message.
Memory - its started to become really bad, both long term and short term, loads of little things like getting milk out of the fridge putting it on the side and then 20 seconds later going back to the fridge for the milk, forgetting names of people I have known for years, forgetting words mid sentence to the extent I have to sometimes re phrase what I was saying.
Speech ( imprecise speech I guess )- Slurring words occasionally ( once or twice a day, occasionally entire sentances ), getting words mixed up, things like trying to say “Thats some bad parking over there” but saying “thats some parking bad over there”, saying finite instead of final, Autistic instead of Acoustic.
Problem solving - generally its getting harder to do, simple maths that used to be simple proving hard ( IE I couldn’t work out 71-12=59), Adding up £1 in change. I tried it 4 or 5 times before I went to my wife for more change and she counted it out for me and I had the right change all along.
Shaking hands - My left hand keeps feeling unstable, after a few days my left hand and arm as well as my right hand shook for about 20 mins, for a few days everything was fine and then the left had felt unstable again, this time for a few weeks, a few days ago it had another shaky session but it was just my fingers, since then its been mostly better but a little unstable.
Fatigue - Basically that, I feel tired a lot, especially in the afternoons.
Muscle Twitches ( fasciculation’s? ) - I have been getting these a lot, in limbs, hands, buttocks, back, inside my abdomen etc etc.
Random stabbing pains - it feels like either a single pin being stabbed into a limb or an electric shock, I’ve had it in my arms, legs, toes and rib area, its been happening for quite a long time but it can go days between it occurring.
Abnormal sensations, Tingling - Mostly in my right shoulder muscle which occurs a very often. “Burning” - Not really burning but more like my right arm feeling like it was in strong direct sunlight which happened once or twice, lasting about half an hour. “Rushing” like there is water rushing through my limbs, again it happened once or twice and only lasted half hour or so.
Urinary issues - dribbling and leakage, increasing since about January, I have been for a prostate check and everything was fine with that.
Spatial awareness - Occasionally walking into door frames or corners of walls, I feel like there should have been enough space to pass but occasionally its not enough.
The thing that seems to have thrown the doctor is that nothing seems really seems to last for long ( memory issues aside ).
Thanks for any advice