Lots of Sympptoms ??

Sounds like you’re having a really bad time with it, hope your treatment kicks in soon x


I only have 3 plaques showing on my brain scan, my nurologisit said he has seen people with 10/12 Plaques that arent showing such symptoms as i have.

The numbness is from the flat of my left foot right up to my left Hip, left bum Cheek, left testicle and my manhood !!

I cant feel myself going to the toilet, and i am urinating like i have never done before, at least 15 times a day !!

Yesterday i was as weak as a baby and all i wanted to do was sleep, was even an effort to walk a very short distance.

I hope this feeling goes soon.

ATB, Paddy.

I’m presuming then, that you have still not yet felt any relief from your symptoms since taking your steroids? What a nightmare for you. Hopefully things will start to get better for you soon x

Finished the 5 day course of Methylpredinisolone 500mg without any change in symptoms.

Still numb from top too bottom of left leg, plus the other symptoms.

Going to see my Neurologist this Friday, he is planning starting me on Beta Interferon or Copaxone.

I have also been given the contact details of an Key MS nurse as i think myself and my family would benefit from a visit and a talk concerning my MS as it is all new to us…My young daughter especially is finding it hard to understand.

ATB, Matt.

Had my appointment today with the Neurologist, had a long chat about Beta Interferon and Copaxone.

Told him my symptoms had not changed since the course of Methylpredisolone. He said that it would take time to get me onto the Beta Inter or Copaxone.

In the meantime he has given me Gabapentin 300mg. Start off with 1 tab for 3 days then 2 Tabs for 3 days then 3 Tabs thereafter for the duration.

Seems to be rather a lot of Sides on this Gabapentin. Anybody here been pescribed this Tablet before?


I am on gabapentin and have been for 7 months now. I personally didn’t read the side effects sheet as i find that if i read it then i tend to get it!

I have had no side effects at all! I have however had some improvement in my buzzing, tingling and even my twitching muscles are less often. Over all a good tablet i find!

I am only on 300mg twice a day. I tried to get to the 3 times daily but found i was seriously spaced out…like being very very drunk. Not that i remember ever being that drunk! So i stuck to 300mg twice a day and it has eased my symptoms a little and not made anything worse. I do however get a few more headaches than i normally get but waiting for diagnosis is stressful and they feel like stress headaches, nothing painful just annoying! Besides panadol get rid of them so cant be anything too sinister i figured.

Maybe you will have the same relief (all be it only a little relief) that i have had. Dont read the side effects, just make a note of anything weird that happens and mention it to your gp. Otherwise you will go nuts waiting for all those awful things listed and to be honest most of them will never happen!

I may be one of the few but i get on ok with them. Hope you do to and hope i have helped a little!


Thanks for your reply, I took my first tablet last night, it did make me sleepy after about 1 hour, had a good nights sleep.

ATB, Matt.