Sorry but I need a whinge and a wail this morning!!
The muscle stiffness in my legs and up my spine has been bad for a while - always worse in the morning when I get out of bed and can hardly walk - this normally eases to a tolerable level and I can get about.
The last few days it’s been taking longer to ease and I’m struggling to walk around the house - even after sitting down and resting as much as possible.
I regularly get sharp, deep ‘nervy’ pains in my legs that come and go - today though it won’t go away - it’s down the length of my leg particularly the outer part of my calf muscle and it’s gnawingly, sickeningly painful!! I just can’t find a comfortable position x
The fasciculations are really something to see this morning too!!
I’m sorry - I’m so fed up of it all - I’m having a despondent and daunted hour xxxxxjenxxxxxx
Sorry you’re having a tough time at the moment - I can really sympathise with you.
In a morning or if I have to get up in the night, my legs are so stiff I can hardly get up from the bed. I have to grab my stick otherwise I would fall over, and then use it to get to the bathroom. I feel like I’m about 92 lol! Fortunately this does improve as I gradually get myself moving.
Pain in the legs is my worst symptom. This past two weeks I’ve had a feeling of my legs being gripped in a vice and the vice contains razor blades - the intensity of it makes me cry! It also seems to be accompanied by a draining fatigue.
I’ve had to increase my Pregabalin today to try to ease it. I don’t know if you’re on a similar medication?
My advice would be to try and rest as much as possible - I find that lying down actually helps the most.
I do hope you get some easing soon Jen, if not, maybe you should see GP about increase in medication?
In the meantime, sending ((((((Hugs)))))) and feeling for you.
Thanks both xx I guess I’m on a low one today x I just can’t see any light at the end of the tunnel.
I’ve been off work for 2 months - all I’ve done is sleep!! I don’t feel any better for it - in fact I’m just getting worse - and I’m worrying about my job. If I lose my job I lose my home - it’s as simple as that. I don’t have any financial security to fall back on as in this employment I’ve worked on termporary contracts (for 6 years) and hubby’s pay on it’s own won’t even cover the mortgage or bills.
Apart from the financial implications I’m just so gutted - I’ve worked so hard to get where I am - against a lot of odds - and I hate the thought of letting it all go. But I feel so very weak at the moment. The thought of going back to all that worry & stress is daunting. I think I’ve just struggled on for so long I just don’t think I can do it anymore. Physically & mentally I’m just a wreck. xxxjenxxxx