I have been away this week visiting family in Ireland as following a rather nasty relapse I needed to get away.
I have just come back to find a letter from the Jobcentre saying the a Customer Complience officer will be visiting me tomorrow to interview me as a query has arisen over my claim for ESA.
It goes on to say that my benefit may be stopped if they are not happy following on from the interview etc etc. show proof of address, bank statement and passport.
I have had a look online and it would seem that these are basically fruad investigators. So it would appear someone had told them I am committing benefit fraud!
I may look ok now and be walking on/off with only a cane ow but just 2 months ago i was unabkle to walk at all, in a wheelchair and told that they did not know if I would recover fully from the relapse and may be in a wheelchair permanatly. I have the facilities grant people coming round on Tuesday to access the property for adaptions. Thay have suggested thay may need me to look at moving to a more suitable property.
I have kept Jobcentre in the loop of alkl my wifes job changes and maturnity leave etc.
My neuro wrote to the DWP stating he didnt want me to work as I tried going back to work on 2 occassion against his advice which resulted in 2 serious relapses.
Above all, how on eartth can you fake this damn illness…its not like you can fake lesions on the brain for Christs sake.
I would first become a member of Benefits & Works, they advise on rights and can help guide you through any process involving government agencies.
What a shock, worry and stressful time for you. Im beginning to think everyone is being picked out slowly, divide and rule, I might be wrong but Im sure you are not alone in wondering why me and what have I done wrong.
Try be strong, gather as much info as possible to support your claims and be prepared. Dont allow them to bully you into anything and get help from whomever you can.
I wish you well in your quest fighting for what is rightfully yours.
A couple of months ago myself and the person I share a house with got one of these letters just after he started claiming carers allowance for me.
The man turned up early while my friend had popped out to the shops. He started off asking how long he had lived here…I told him he had always lived here, I was then asked why I had not told them? and why I was claiming as a single person? To which I replied I was a single person and as I was claiming contribution based ESA I was never asked who I lived with.
He then appologised as they had me down as income related and he left…Had they told me why we were getting a visit when I rung them, they could have saved themselves a wasted journey
Jobcentreplus complaince officers are NOT fraud officers.
Complaince officers are there to check that you are getting what you are entitled to, whether you are getting more of LESS than you qualify for.
Fraud invstigators are called exactly that and not compliance officers. I am not sure what website said that they are Fraud investigators but please do not think that you necessarily being looked into for fraud.
Jobcentreplus complaince officers are NOT fraud officers.
Complaince officers are there to check that you are getting what you are entitled to, whether you are getting more of LESS than you qualify for.
Fraud invstigators are called exactly that and not compliance officers. I am not sure what website said that they are Fraud investigators but please do not think that you necessarily being looked into for fraud.
Take care.
Thanks for that info, Steve. Should help a lot of us.