Hi all We had a thread on here a few months ago about tattoos and since then iv been thinking and well, today Im going to see a man about a tattoo!! Im so excited! I wont be having the tattoo today but he will be drawing up some designs for me! Iv even found myself awake at 6.20 on my day off which shows my excitement hehe. Hope you all have a nice day!! Sam xx
It was you that started the last thread wasnt it? Iv already got 3 but iv seen another idea that i love… An infinity sign made from rope with an anchor incorparated and the words “i refuse to sink” in the infinity sign too. It looks nicer than it sounds and i want to make it my own but thought it was fitting with the things us msers go through xx
And you Jen! I will let you know how we get on with the ink planning xx
You guys have got me thinking about one recently. I had some awful one done at the ripe old age of 16 in Stoke! Thinking of a cover up (luckily it’s very small). I was thinking of some kind of bird of prey in memory of my dad. I have red kites where I live and he loved seeing them when he visited. X
Sam Saw the original post, already have five, but so want to get another one . Just gotta decide what Gray
Iv left my ideas with my tattooist! Cant wait to see what he comes up with! You still not sure what to have gray? X
Hi Sam
I’ve got three but have been thinking for sometime of having another one done. One of my children has designed one with intertwining flowers, with mine and my husbands names on the flower head. She’s got three leaves coming from the stem with each of my childrens names on one.
On my left shoulder I have three dancing fairies each one has a characteristic that is so much like my three girls. So am thinking of having new one on right shoulder to balance things up. My family is so important to me!
Freckes x
Shame you all are not in Cambs area, my son is a very talented ( well I would say that I am his mum ) qualified registered tatooist. He has done some beautiful original work … Personally I just wish he would use canvas not people,s skin but each to his own
He just did an incredible Bob Marley for someone but he actually likes doing “nice stuff” Refuses to work on peeps who want aggressive tats which is at least one good thing.
Do you all know how much a tatoo can cause pain if you need scans ?
You may have guessed by now I am not a fan, no way he is ever going to tatoo his mum ! But I do love the butterfly,s he just finished all different sizes on my daughter in law.
I told him he could / should be an artist of course he told me HE IS.
He is also qualified in Reiki.
I once asked him what it will look like when he and all his cliets end up in an old folks home and he replied “colourful” can,t deny that
Do you all know how much a tatoo can cause pain if you need scans ?
Hi Anonymous
how does a tattoo cause pain during a scan?
Its old tattoos that can feel lile they are burning in an MRI. Something to do with what they used to put in the ink (so Iv heard) x
Jen - I can hear your thoughts all the way up here - yes I will get my dragon done - was planning on my birthday.
JBK xx
Love tattoo’s and I can understand people who don’t like them but it’s personal to each person, who has them, but there can be complete snobbery around them and one of the girls in our office “hates tattoo’s” which i find offensive, because I have tattoo’s, she wouldn’t like me to say that i hate overweight people because she is on the large side. I do know a tattooist over here in NI that would tattoo anywhere, faces etc and I think that he needs locked up, cannot understand the people who would want to tattoo their faces mind you. My Mum doesn’t like them either…she says that it isn’t very classy…lol
Hi, in reply to one of the questions I only know my son was told about the scan pain when doing his training, and then found out for himself when he was involved in an accident and had to be scanned. His tatoo,s were all in the last 5 years so I would not think the “old” type ink applies there. He said it was a really bad burning sensation.
I totally agree with the fact that people have no right to “judge” or comment on tattoo,s … certainly it is a personnal choice and no one has a right to judge anyone else unless it is a law judgement in court.
I admire the artwork of tattoo,s however I do think some people go too far…as I worked in hospital for many years I saw way too much of some people,s tattoo,s and they were not always a pretty sight but then again I have seen some beautiful one,s.
It is a kind of addiction for some people apparently and I have seen almost head to foot tattoo,s …they become less attractive as they almost merge.
My dearest friend has a very pretty and classy rose on one shoulder so please don,t think I am biased against them, just do not want one myself.
Hope those of you who get them, get a geuinely caring tattooist.
Hope I did not offend anyone as it certanly was not my intention and deepest apologies if I did.
The 2 things that I said I would never EVER do were never to die my hair and never to get tattoos. I was saying this 2 years ago. Since then I have been dying heiar for the last 15 months and I got me first tattoo in May 2012 and I now have 7 of 'em. Make sure that it is what you want as there is no going back once it is done and be warned, there is only word when it comes to getting tattoos done - ADDICTIVE!