is this permanent

Hi all not diagnosed but having tests. Over the last couple of days I’ve had numbness inbetween legs and back of thigh. I can funtion normally but I’m worried this is the start of something bad. Could this be the start of losing bowel control etc? Does anyone here have similar experience? Please help x

Hi, It’s quite a common symptom of a relapse, and usually associated with a spinal cord lesion. Most people do recover substantially from relapses, even if not perfectly. Whilst it’s impossible to say for certain, sensory symptoms (numbness) don’t automatically indicate anything more serious is imminent, or that it’s permanent. Tina

Hi I have numbness bewteen my legs and over my tum area. I can nip it quite hard. I feel it, yet it doesn`t hurt! If I am wet, I dont feel it. My numbness is permanent it seems.

Dunno if it contributes to bowel problems, as I need laxatives to go and cant stop it when it decides to come when I dont want it to.

I`m afraid your question is one of those which is difficult to answer, due to the variety and severity of symptoms.

luv Pollx

Hi Anon Firstly, you haven’t yet been diagnosed and many things can cause numbness like you’re experiencing, many of them fixable so please don’t start worrying yourself down a route which may be unfounded and will only cause you needless stress. I was dx last year and my first symptom was numbness in my feet, legs & up to my waist. These symptoms have eased over the months - it has taken about a year in my case and I haven’t experienced anything in the way of bowel problems. Please don’t panic. Just wait for a diagnosis & take it from there. Even if it is ms, it won’t be the end of the world and you may find the symptoms will go and never return. Good Luck Jane xx

I too have this symptom. I am having a relapse and am on prednisolone at the moment. It feels as though I have no flesh on my backside and that I am sitting on my bones. Carol

I have had numbness in a similar area (in fact half of my backside as well and you’ll be thankful to know that it neither remained permanently (4 months maybe) nor spread to my bowel or waterworks etc. I wouldn’t normally post something as personal as this but wanted to offer you some reassurance as my thoughts were exactly like yours!

I had numbness there and a bladder problems for a few weeks during a relapse but it has all cleared up now (unlike some of my other symptoms). I have RRMS.