Indication of MS to non-sufferers.

I’m possibly a bit more ‘bolshy’ than you and any hint of ‘for heavens sake’ results in either a confident glare and look of disapproval or just not bothering with them again


So long as you are completely happy with sharing , what are your symptoms/ manifestations of executive dysfunction? Must admit that these days I find myself shedding tears at the slightest thing especially ‘sweet ‘ stories .

Hi @Hank_Dogs
I don’t think executive dysfunction is an explicit medical condition, it’s more like a blanket term, it may encompass traits commonly found in ADHD. :brain:

Probably one of the notable traits for me was impulsiveness, in my working life, I was seen as unconventional and often frowned on by past curmudgeonly managers. :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

I found it difficult explaining how multiple sclerosis affected me mentally and not yet physically, untill I had to depend on the use of walking aids. :crutch:

I’m sure there are lots of sites out there, giving more information about executive dysfunction. :computer:

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I noticed that it can be a not uncommon symptom of MS and I must admit that crying at ‘weepy films etc’ seems to be something that I have developed. Not a problem but I find it a bit embarrassing sometimes. On the other hand, it could be older years have made me a bit ‘softer’ about some things

I think an advantage of the “older years” I’ve found, is the ability to temper the mood swings and aggression:

I once had a younger than me curmudgeon manager and I was able to turn to passive-aggression, let them feel the frustration instead yourself, don’t be bullied imo. :imp:

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It can bring out the worst in people seeing how they treat others (but thankfully some good in others too)

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I already had depression and anxiety before MS diagnosis. I can only imagine how your exec. dysfunction can affect you BUT if you can get to end of day without letting others get you down. good on you.

kep going bud,

I get sarcastic and smirk, or use non-verbal expression a bit (though I have to tone that down when working). I occasionally use mischief to keep thngs going but I found showing anger will just create more anger.

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Thanks @SparkyIOM, you’re so right: I only wish I realised the positives of being aggressively passive much earlier, maybe I wouldn’t have been seen as such a hotspur!

e.g. “Yes please, that’s right” “Okay then, if you say so” “Quite honestly, I find it difficult to understand your wordy emails, sorry”.