Hi for several months I keep getting periods of incessant buzzing in my head, and my body and also heat spots and feel some days my back is on fire like i have heat pad on. my feet at times are bright red, with some purple and the pain in my left foot at times is excruciating. I feel awful like i have the worse ever flu but my temp is normal well for me normal between 36.4 to 36.7. Every now and then it goes up to 7.2 but rarely.
I have no water infection as i checked that. I have dipsticks and they are spot on. My pulse is normal, and mostly my BP is too.
I know it got worse when we had the hot days, and seems to be triggered from that, also since i have moved here i seem to be a bit allergic to the conker tree which is in full bloom now.
could this be a form of allergy screwing with me. I struggle not to panic in the day as i really feel awful some days.
I did ring my MS nurse but never heard back from her.
I dont want to ring my GP as they have enough to deal with and what can she do really, just say its my MS.
Also i am struggling with mobility but pushing myself to walk everyday just a bit as i dont want to loose my mobility or put weight on.
Just so fed up of feeling soooo poorly.
Oh yes i have lost my cleaner as as its not a priority for her to clean and besides which she cleans other people and i dont want her to come in incase she has been exposed to this virus.
so i am doing more which is knackering. so perhaps am I expecting too much of myself. I just ignore i have MS and expect to live normal. Sorry to bother you as i know you all have your own stuff to deal with.
crazy chick. xxx
CC Please don’t apologise. Everyone on here is struggling in some way. We are all still wanting to help when or if we can.
I can’t really help other than to give moral support. I hope someone can you give you some advice.
Sending hugs. Anne
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Hi CC, I get the same symptoms especially when I have been pushing myself more than I should. Only last evening I said to hubby that I felt like I was plugged into the electric mains, not in a good way.! I have assumed it is MS. Try to take it easy especially on the cleaning as you are most likely overdoing it. Tbh it doesn’t sound like an allergic reaction but we are all different of course. Best wishes Ellie
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Hi CC, sorry you are not so good. You are one of the stalwarts here who keep us going.#
Sending love.
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yes, I have periods of buzzing in my head - it doesn’t bother me too much.
have periods/days when I feel too ill to do anything much - no headache or pain just feel very ill. Saw the GP about it - she said ‘what did I expect as I had m.s’ - fat lot of use that was!
so when I feel o.k I do what I can - when I feel ill I force myself out of bed and just sit about.
this ******* m.s. is a pain in the a***.
(Don’t think the conker tree has anything to do with it.)
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yes i agree this &&&&&&m.s is a pain in the proverbial lol.
I do think its overdoing it i suddenly had nothing yesterday after resting for 2 days it was weird everything was quiet and i felt WELL just for about half an hour, i felt almost normal.
anyway my son in law who is a careworker sent me off on line to a company who do well women checks on line and through the post blood test, so i decided to have one done, its a well women test, will do all the important tests even inflammation crp etc. so should get the test box today then do it and send it off.
will see what it comes up with. I do forget i have MS i must admit. My daughter did say similar mum what do you expect you have MS lol.
Yeh right well so what, shouldnt make you feel like poop and buzzing head and the other night it sounded like a gun shot had gone off in my head nearly pooped myself ha ha. weird weird weird.
thanks for encouragement I will see what the test comes up with.
I also need to do way less.
thanks to all of you and cracowian xx to some extent the conker tree is causing allergies as i have never had hayfever before and the doctor said the flowers are notorious for causing it.
have a good week jeez its Monday already.