I was just wondering if anyone suffered for any of these conditions?
I was ok until I stated to take medication and now seem to go through phases of being constipation, with the odd bout of diarroah and now suffering piles.
Is this a common sympton with MS?
I have had one scan of the abdomen (last year) that did not reveal anything and they are sending me for another in a few days.
One of the MS drugs which I took was a monoclonal antibody which did suppress the immune system significantly and a side effect was fungal and bacterial infections.
According to my neuro, IBS is very common in MS. He reckons we get diagnosed with IBS because the gastros can’t find a cause, but that’s because it’s a central nervous system input that’s causing the problem and not something digestive.
I take omeprazole and spasmonal forte for spasms, pain and nausea plus loperamide for chronic diarrhoea (I don’t get constipation). Keeps it all working OK most of the time - phew!
Hopefully you’ll be able to get something to help too.