Scudge, Fay I know your there. Can’t we do a Take That & have a reunion tour? It’s not the same, who’s going to give me Brian Johnson on a whim?
Hi Tracey. Like you, I have the attention span of a gnat. Now there’s a bit of good ol’ brain fog. I had a bit of 22ct gold brain fog this week when my new towel rail arrived. I had to put the five or six pieces of metal & plastic together before I could hang this on the radiator. Thankfully, I did manage to put this together without one swear word passing my lips. The rail looked fine and I went to find a radiator to put it on. I went upstairs to the bathroom, but there was already a towel rail there. I then went downstairs to the downstairs loo and there was a towel rail there too. As I walked through the kitchen it occurred to me that that was where it was going. My sister was here and she looked at me incredulously as I went from room to room. Oh the joys of having a brain that looks more like a sieve.
I speak on behalf of all us newbies Sue and we are so glad you decided to come back. We all appreciate the information you give us. Marjie xx
Who want’s rhyme & reason anyway Moira!!! Bloody boring we are unique, totally unique & don’t forget it!!! xx
Oh this thread has made me laugh!
whammel-you are so funny!
everybody else except him-I had the pleasure of meeting the man in person in 2009-at least I think it was then! A pure gent as they say!
the mss has changed over the years, and so it should! I am eternally grateful for those I met here and for the precious time we shared together. Times change and I certainly have! (physically I mean!)
Sorry Ellie, cept who!!! Who did you meet!!! Not my Bri!!! x
Mr Whammel!
Sorry babe!!! Must admit he does sound like a top bloke (no, not crawling Whammel!!!) Deserves his telegram, & Sue!!! xx
Deserves a telegram and sue?! Ooooeeeeeerrrrrrrr!!!
If anyone, no matter how long they’ve been a member, wants a break from us, then does that mean we can start seeing other people?
Oh Poll, don’t know on that 1! Long as your not moonlighting missus, your going nowhere! xx
Erm, sos Ellie, just got that! Sue will have a word or 2 for me no doubt, Sue knows what I mean xx
Sue knows I love her & our Polls wheres my guidance missus, on brain fog!!! I asked, no answer, too late experiment is in progress & Mr D has forsaken me, bugger. (Fluts is on jollies & Carole is on the Gin herself, what chance, really? at least Fez is safe with Spacejacket, but I’m not posting him!!!)
Actually I am seeing 2 other sites, but this one will always be my first love!
Well I missed you on your grand UK tour, so it was great to finally meet up in the searing heat (ok, it was sunny) of Glasgow. Some things might have changed, but you are still the same charming Ellie.
Where have you been!!!
Scudger, where have you been? Was the weather nice? Hotel food up to scratch?
Morning one and all. It’s like a sherbet dip, you think you’ve had enough but you’ve got to dip in once again. Same could be said of salt and vinegar chipsticks which I have a love/no more relationship with until the bag is finished.
re earlier talk of gnats, I do hope you all pronounce the g as in g-nat coz that’s the way it is, like p-neumonia. Silent starts always a bit odd and must be ignored in many instances xxx
I find that MS has a silent ‘F’.