house sale

Hi All, a bit off good news we have sold the house its taken us nearly 3 years so l hope it goes through ok we are now worried that we can not find a bungalow quick in our price range hope we don t have to go in to rented but if we do it will be a bungalow and no stairs. l am back at the hospital at the end of the month for my next set of tablets had a lady ring said that l could get help with a little more money for the cancer but there need to put me on PIP so still waiting to hear about that. Sun out here bit to hot to sit out , take care all regards Jan xxxx

Hi Jan! Well done selling the house! Fingers crossed it goes through ok… but yes I think it would be wise to rent if you have to. It would only be for a while and you don’t want to lose your seller.

Also great news about the extra money!

I think of you everyday and send you good healing vibes.

Overcast here but very warm… quite windy too!

All the best,

Pat xx

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Hi Jan

Brilliant news selling your house, hope it all goes smoothly for you, and hopefully you will find a bungalow to suit, but if not, renting is a solution until the right one comes along.

Hope you are coping with your treatment OK, take care ((((hugs))))

Pam x

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Hi, congratulations on the sale and fingers crossed you find somewhere suitable nice and quickly

Sonia x

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Hi Jan great news about the house sale,hope it all goes smoothly for you,we sold our house last year to the first people that looked round,cash buyer too,only trouble is we couldnt find a suitable bungalow in the price range we could afford,so chickened out,i felt awful letting the buyers down,i still look though on rightmove and zoopla for the perfect bungalow.

hope you find one soon that you like,good luck.

J x

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Hi jan

great news.

have you considered a letter drop around the area you would like offering a sale without estate agent costs.

this could attract potential sellers who hadn’t thought of selling but things change for people.

we bought our bungalow off a chap who was thinking of moving in with son.

our letter drop prompted him wanting to sell & make the move.

just a thought.

good luck



Congratulations Jan, I do hope you find something soon!

Take Care,

Nina x


Congratulations on the sale. I’d rather rent for a while than buy something you don’t really like or isn’t entirely suitable. Good luck with the hunt.

Cath x

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Good news indeed Jan. And I thought 18 months was a lot time for me to wait for mine!

Hope everything goes through on the up for you.

Hi all how you doing sun out here not that l can sit in it dr said while taking the cancer tablets to keep out of the sun. We have found a bungalow with wet room and ramp out the back door just right for me two bedrooms we will use the 2nd as a dinning room we put offer in there said yes so things are moving forward we have started to sort things out we have keep some junk carboot l think when daughters about. will keep in touch as to how things are going regards Jan xxxx


Great news Jan! Sounds lovely!

Although moving house is exhausting there is a good side to it. It’s rather lovely settling into a new house and making it your own. I love the first night… sleeping in new bedroom & waking up next morning in new house. Exciting!!!

Keep us up to date with how things are going.

Pat xx


Brilliant news Jan, bet you can’t wait.

When the move does happen, remember to delegate as much as you can.

Hope your doing OK.

Pam x

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What good news Jan - so much to look forward to. And a chance to sort out and get rid of ‘stuff’. lf you do go to car-boot with it- don’t be tempted to buy more back. l have done that at charity shops - gone in with bags of stuff - then started looking and come out with more - and l do not need it.

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Great news, hope you are keeping well don’t overdo things moving can be very stressful and tiring.

Jan x

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Hi all just waiting to sign the papers for house started boxing up dvd/cd pictures doing a box at a time one a day l had to laugh as we had 7 sets of bedding cut it down to 3 with so many odd pillow cases took the spare ones to our MS shop, l have found pots that l did not no we had. if not used in the last 2 years its going take care regards Jan xx


Hi Jan

It’s surprising the things you find, that you have forgotten all about, but don’t worry, I think we are all the same.

Hope it all goes well, don’t forget to delegate wherever you can.

Pam x

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Perfect time for a brutal clear out of unused/unwanted things.

Best of luck.

Jan x

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Hi Jackie yes l do take a lot of stuff to our MS shop and we have a table at the drop in once a week we take book nick knacks to sell it all help with the funds. i did a car boot with hubby today or should l say that l sat on the chair while hubby sold give us a few penny for new curtains for bungalow. Take care regards Jan xx

Hi all, the house is been over taken by boxes l am sorting a bit aday, been to the hospital for blood tests and next set of keymo tablets doing ok l think, next mri scan 8th sept l do hope it has gone or going.

We hope to move in about 7 weeks theres a hold up in the chain l can not wait to be on one level will be so great.

Take care all be in touch when l can Jan xxxx


All sounds good Jan!!!

Hope that chain gets moving soon… and really hoping your MRI scan gives you good news!!!

Don’t over do it… won’t be long before you’re enjoying the joys of one level living!

Lots of love,

Pat xx

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