
Hi all legs playing up again finding it so hard to get up the stairs so are looking into selling up and looking for a bungalow any tips. we need to get one for the same amount aswe would get for the house got a man coming to value it this week, will see how it goes. Take care Jan

Hi Jan… found this post of yours that somehow fell through the cracks… probably when you were having trouble posting.

I think it’s a great idea hon. I know it’s a hard thing to do though. I sold a flat over 3 years ago to move to this sheltered scheme. It WAS hard… but turned out to be the best decision I ever made.

Have you had any luck yet?

Also… have you considered stair lift? (I’m assuming you have… and I do think bungalow would probably be a better option).

I love living on one level… makes life SOOO much easier…

Pat x

Hi Pat,

I think things are ok with my posts nowwe have had OT down to look at stairs there say there are to narrow for a stair lift they said have we had a look at a lift that would go through the bedroom floor we only have a small house that wood not work at all.

We looked at a bungalow it wood have been so right l no what you meen when you say about living on one level it was so nice. But untill we get ours nealy sold we are abit stuck.

I have been sorting stuff out and daughter has had car boots, a big box of Lp records and player went to the MS shop with bags of books that l may read one day, l will get it sorted a bit at a time.

Well you take care stay cool in the sun regards Jan xx

Hang on in there Jan… you’ll find somewhere eventually and house will sell.

Remember what Phil Spencer always says… clear that clutter! LOL… Great you have an MS shop near you!

Take care… I’m resting today as son and his family are coming tomorrow and we’re all going over my mum’s. First time out with them with wheelchair… so I will have to be extra jolly so they can see it’s not end of the world as they know it!

Pat x