Hi hope you are all well, house has been on the market nearly a year so we have gone to another selling agent they say they can sell it. Oh l do hope so l need to be in a bungalow stairs are getting harder to get up.
Grandaughter 7 months now came to see me after giving her a feed she was a little sick on me no worry l said to daughter. What l did think was oh god how am l going to get upstairs to change so l waited till bed time with a window open.
Well washer has stopped again next lot ready to go out.
Good luck with selling your house Jan. It’s an awful process. I had mine on the market last year until the people whose house I wanted tried to pull a fast one. I was able to make mine better for me but remember the trauma. I’ve only just finished unpacking.
Poll’s idea of keeping a few items downstairs is really helpful. I have a downstairs bathroom and always try to bring my pj’s down early so I’m not dragging myself up and down for my evening shower. It does help a lot.
Hi all sunny day in humberside. We looked into a stairlift But stairs to narrow and odd shape house not right to put a throught the floor lift in. l have put a change of clothes downstairs now as we have downstairs bathroom . Take care all rgards Jan xx
Hi Jan, Hope you have better luck with your new agent. We are going to be selling our house shortly. The housing market here is quite buoyant my daughter sold their house last week. Put it on the market Friday and they accepted an offer Tuesday. We are keeping our fingers crossed it will be the same for us. I know what you mean about the stairs, I sometimes have to sit on my bottom to go up and isn’t it always the case you get to the top/bottom and you find you have forgotten something? Good luck with the selling and then the house hunting. Take care. Mags xxx