Little bit about my symptoms. For the past 15 years, I have suffered from the following: back pain, slurred speech, difficulty walking, neck pain, leg spasms, overheating, fatigue, etc, etc, etc.
I went to doctors religiously for 2 years with no conclusive results. I gave up and started to hide/compensate for my continued symptoms! Now, 15 years later, same symptoms are worsening plus I now have dry eyes, dry mouth, flu like symptoms, wrist and ankle pain, tingling, etc. etc. etc.
Had an MRI (clear), EMG (clear) and a number of blood tests (all low but within “clear” range). Neruologists are again suggesting that I am fine and nothing wrong.
What do I do? I am not asking for medicine, I hold a full time career, married to my wife for 23 years with 4 kids and am financially stable. There is no reason for me to WANT to be sick (or I would not have hidden it for the last 13 years) yet I feel like I am being looked at as a hypochondriac. Ideally, I would love to just find out that I need to eat more veggies and will be magically healed, but life isn’t that simple
Where do I turn? should I request more tests or just go back to living with the pain and coping? Just getting depressed over the lack of a diagnosis.