Hi, I’m completely new to completely and would really appreciate some opinions/ advice please as I have some very odd symptoms! I have a very unhelpful doctor who ushered me out of his office today without even looking at the list I had prepared which was difficult to say the least because as alot of you have mentioned it is hard not to feel like a hyperchondriac as it is!
I get a bizarre electric shock sensation whenever I get hot or unwell it goes through my chest, face and fingers and although it is not exactly painful it is very unpleasant. I have had neck and shoulder pain since my teens (I’m now 25) which is constant and very tender I can’t bear to be touched on my shoulders or to lift myself using my arms as my neck goes into spasm. I get back pain too, and have recently started to get pain in the right upper part of my pelvis. I feel tight chested quite often like somethings sitting on it. I get very tired too which is probably the hardest thing to cope with I work 2 days a week and spend the days I am not working trying to recover. I have mouth ulcers most of the time particalarly when I am run down and get nausea most days for no reason.
Also when I was about 18 my knees became very stiff, I couldnt bend them, and painful and this lasted for around 3 months. I was diagnosed at the time with a condition called HSP which never made sense as I didnt have the key symptom of the condition which is a pulpura rash. I had a foot drop too after I gave birth without drugs.
Please help me people, Im completely lost as to whether or not this could be ms and whether to bother pursuing this route with another doctor!
I forgot to put that I also have cognitive issues that I previously put down to attention deficit disorder, and I wee alot, constantly rushing to the loo.
Hello and welcome, I would suggest that firstly you don’t give up. If you are not happy with your doctor, see another one but this time do not give him your list of symptoms as they do tend to put them to one side. Make a smaller list of your main problems and tell him/her instead and ask for a referral to a specialist. Don’t be fobbed off. Your symptoms could indicate many things so I’m afraid I can’t comment. Sorry. Good luck and don’t let one ignorant doctor put you off. Good luck. Janet x
I had 3 visits to my own doctor twice, and another doctor in the practice. I then went back a 4th time to my own doctor and demanded a 2nd opinion as I know my own body and I knew something was going on. He did the reflex test which he said I was hypersensitive which he said, oh, thats interesting.He did a few other things and then said yes, I think you should see neurologist. So, don’t give up. Go back. You know yourself!!x
Hi Worriedmum, if you can make a double appointment with another GP in your practice try that - go in with a list of symptoms and a timeline but start off with whatever is currently causing you trouble. Explain that you’re worried because you’ve been having various issues over the years (time for the list and if you’ve been to the doctor about them so much the better as they’ll be in your record) and think they might be connected.
If you get fobbed off keep going back every time something else comes up or if the existing stuff doesn’t go away. Persist until they start testing. You might not have MS (statistically you probably don’t, remember that) but you have something because things aren’t right. And if it turns out you do have MS you know there’s a support group here.
Thank you for your replies, I have made an appointment to see a different doctor so hopefully I will get somewhere his time… for me the list is a necessary thing as I do tend to get sidetracked and forget everything as soon as I walk into the office! Feeling less worried now though, it is what it is at the end of the day! Thank you again.
Mouth ulcers could be suggestive of another condition, not MS - but I can’t for the life of me remember what (assuming I ever knew).
When I was first being investigated, I was definitely asked whether I got a lot of mouth ulcers - it’s nothing to do with MS, but could be a pointer to another cause.
I have Lupus and mouth ulcers play a big part in it, along with swollen hands, feet, legs and aching muscles. Along with your joints hurting like mad. It is an autoimmune disease associated with MS and at times it’s difficult to tell which is which. Lupus can be detected by blood tests. Hope this helps. Janet x