Hello PPMS board!

Hi all!

Just thought I`d pop in and say hello.

I dont look in here so often now. But I do think about you and wonder how everyone is.

Just coming out (very slowly) of a dark place and wishing the winter would come and go in a trice.

Why can`t we hibernate like bears do?

luv Polxxx

Sorry to hear you are having a bit of a down time Poll. We can’t be upbeat all the time. lts a lovely sunny day again here - this month has been glorious. The trees are a riot of colour now the leaves have turned yellow/orange/red - l love this time of year. When it gets to about 5-30pm - l light the wood-burner. Dogs love to sit by it - and they have the benefit of it all night as well - lucky things.

l still have raspberries on my bushes. And my tubs/pots of flowers are still managing to flower. Still have sweet-peas flowering. All could change by next week l suppose - so should make the most of it.

Pleased to get the washing out to dry - l changed the beds this morning. Can still do this with the help of my rollator. l sit on it most of the time - right height for changing duvets. And the laundry basket sits nicely on it so l can get out to the rotary line.

Nice group of folk on the PPMS forum - so stay here with us.

Hello bodica hope you feel better soon g

Good idea, id love to hibernate…im soooo tired all the time but worse now we have the dark nights, i think a bit of depression creeps in,


This explains my yearnings to hibernate! I’ve wanted to for the last few years sigh

I’m struggling a bit at the moment too, sometimes I need to at least get my balance before I can share/tackle it. This is a very good place as people are so understanding

Hope you keep your head up

Sonia xx

Hi Poll, sorry you have not been feeling too good, stick around with ‘our lovely gang’ on here,they are such a nice bunch.and help me more than they will ever know,hibernating is more or less what i do in the winter,this last few years lol.

J x

Hi Poll nice to see you here. Hope you’re starting to feel better, I’ve had a lovely week been out with friends shopping and eating smiley

Bit the bullet and paid a deposit for a new kitchen on Monday, just waiting for the insurance company to send a couple of builders round to give them quotes on repairing my subsidence and give me quotes on fitting my new kitchen. I’ve only been waiting eighteen months since I first noticed movement in my bungalow.

Just had a thought my bungalow is a bit like me subsiding a little with age smileysmileyblush

Keep smiling

Jan xx

Hi Poll

Sorry to hear things have been difficult, I so hope this lessens quickly for you.

I don’t think this time of year helps, even though it’s lovely to see all the different colours of the trees, the dark nights are a real bummer.

Hang in there Poll ((((hugs))))

Pam x

Hi Poll, lovely to see you on here… but sorry to hear you haven’t been good. I sort of do hibernate… stay indoors and try and keep cosy.

Hope you’re feeling a bit better now.

Thinking of you,

Pat xx

My gardener came the other day and I asked him to cut some shrubs back. How hard? he said. Very hard, I said, as they will come back stronger in the Spring. Then he said, wouldn’t it be great if humans were like that - and I thought, yeah, I could cut my legs off and come the Spring, a fantastic new pair would sprout, and I’d be back hill walking, cycling, etc. As I say to my long suffering husband, these aren’t the legs you married…

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l used to look down at my legs - and say they did not even feel like mine. Not only would they not move when my brain was telling them to - they were not even a matching pair!!

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Hi Pol,

Nice to see you back on here!

Sorry to hear you’ve been under par…hope you’ll soon b creeping back on track.

Take care of yourself

Nina x

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Hello Poll.

There seem to be a lot of dark places on our roads. This MS beast gives us all sorts of pressures and then generously hands them out to those close to us. I try to take the existential approach to the seasons. We have a choice of how we can see winter. Even if we dislike it, we know it will end. It’s a time for some level of indulgence or treating yourself in some way, giving yourself something to look forward to.

Nice to hear from you again. Best wishes, Steve.

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I’m used to dislike winter too but I’ve found I can enjoy it by taking a different attitude towards it,

I love the fact that it’s easier to see the birds in the trees, I enjoy the bad weather because I’m lucky enough to be able to stay inside in the warm…my husband lights the fire and I light some candles, makes the house seem so cosy and I just love it !

Nina x

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Hi Jan, I was gonna ask if the subsidence was due to your ms? Only kidding! Thanks for your reply.

New kitchen for christmas, yeh?


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Hi Pam, cheers hun. Roll on spring…wishing our time away, but looking forward to my mini cruise in May does help.


Allo Pat. yeh, I`m coming round. Nowt else we can do is there, but wait quietly for spring.


ps no word about moving?

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Hi it was mentioning having my legs chopped off that got hubby angry with me recently! But I do know what you mean hun.


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Ha! Visited my uncle in hospital last week. he had a knee replacement 5 weeks ago and was only supposed to be in for 3 days! Its kept bleeding. His legs certainly dont match! The operated on one is thicker and browner than his good` one!


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Hi, got summat REALLY good to look forward to…mini cruise in May. But it`s a shame to wish 6 months of the year away in a trice, I know.

I go out twice a week, see a film, eat out or have a pamper…so it aint all gloom!
