Had my neuro appointment

Hi All,

As quick recap - i have tingly/bubbly calves, pins and needles in legs and burning cold arms/hands and feet, back spasums.

Well i had my neuro appointment this morning,

Because my reflexes are normal and i have sensations everywhere he doesn’t think its ms - he said he sees this a lot (so i fall in to the catagory of the 30% who are either unexplained or worry themselves into symptoms - though he didn’t actually say that) my brain is over-interpreting signals is what he actually said. He’s sending me for an MRI of my brain and neck anyway - mostly to reassure me as he’s virtually certain it will be clear (though obivously he has covered himself by saying he could be wrong!), also to check there’s nothing in my neck structurally that caused this.

My lower body symptoms he doesn’t think are due to nerve entrapment as my reflexes are normal, but i have a neurosurgery consult in a fortnight - so i’ll wait to see what they say as there was something on the thoracic spine MRI that according to the physio could cause the symptoms (doctors really don’t seem to like other specialities do they )

Next stop if MRI clear will be rheumatology as he thinks i have something weird musculo skeletal going on

Oh joy! I have a feeling i’m going to be bouncing round the NHS for a while yet!

On the bright side i did manage to talk him into recommending that the GP give me something for the back spasms, which might settle them down. It will be an antidepressant that relieves pain- i’ll try it to see if it helps, i can always stop it if i feel the side effects are more troubling that the back discomfort. I have considered that the upper body stuff was in my head myself- however just being the kind of person who would consider it makes it more unlikely. The back pain is likely due to the lower body stiffness throwing my back muscles out of balance, however i don’t think a short dose of antidepressants would hurt, all this is getting me down.

At least some progress - I’ll hang around here though if its ok, you lot are great and i want to make sure you are all ok too


If you are talking amitriptyline then yes it can be used as an anti depressant but that is then at a much higher dose than you would have to reduce nerve pain.

For nerve pain it is highly effective and many of us rely on it. You do have to build it up gradually and give it time to get into your system though…and to give your body time to adjust to the side effects.

Can I ask what dose was suggested?


I’m afraid a lot of us experience the “not my area” dance from consultants! Hopefully the MRI and neurosurgery will sort things out - and the pills work in the meantime :slight_smile:

Karen x

Hi Pip,

The neuro didn’t mention a dose, but the name sounds familiar - that or “nor” something. He mentioned working the dose up over a couple of days. To be honest he was running out of time and trying to get me out the door , he was running late from the weather related traffic.
