Today, I received a copy of a letter from my neuro to my gp regarding the results of my recent MRI, which I had to have as I had to change DMDs from Tec to Aubagio due to low lymphocyte levels and that there has been no progression since my last MRI in Aug 2015. However, it was noted that there was a small shaded area on my C5/6 - which is probably something to do with the constant numbness in my left leg and the reason I walk a bit slower than I used too! The other bit of good news is that my youngest son was offered a graduate position today and will be joining his brother, who also has a fab graduate job lined up and leaves Uni this year too, into the ranks of full time employment. Proud mommy. Sharon xxx
Hello Sharon.
It’s always good to see good news.
I try to be positive all the time. I know I’m coming to the end of my current bout of fatigue and soon I’ll be flying about on my wheels. This afternoon my 4 year old daughter was showing me the alphabet and the three letter words she knows. I think that was my biggest boost of the month.
Best wishes, Steve
Hi Sharon
Thank you for sharing good news !!
Between your lack of disease progression (Yay!) and your sons doing so well (especially in these austere times where jobs and placements are few and far between) a celebration is well deserved !
As Steve has also demonstrated so lovely nothing can boost you like children can - however old they may be! My six year old gets me out of bed in the morning despite the pain and makes me laugh at my ‘wobbly legs’ and ‘butter hands’
I for one raise my virtual glass to you and your family “Cheers”
It seems you may be on a roll - quick go buy a scratch card !!!
FB x
Ha ha, where is that like button when you need it!!! Children can always put a positive spin on things and put smiles in our faces even on difficult days. And never mind the virtual glass of wine, we will definitely be celebrating this weekend with perhaps a bottle of fizz. Sharon x
Ha! Brilliant !! Bring on the bubbly !! Whoop X