good news at last!

I think I’ve just had some good news!

I’ve just managed to speak to the neuro’s secretary, who told me that she had written to my GP.

I have not been diagnosed with MS, but myelitis (?) due to the lesion in my spine, the two in my brain are thought to be down to hemaplegic (?) migraine, for which I’m being referred to a specialist, and they are still ‘fairly confident’ that the brain cyst is benign, but I will get a referal to the out of county specialist who’s been dealing with that, to keep an eye on me. I’m to go back if there is any worsening or anything new, and I think she said the GP can contact him for any advice re prescribing, as they’ve been reluctant to offer much as they didn’t know what they were dealing with.

I’m so relieved. I know its not ideal, but considering what I was dealing with last Christmas, its a great result! Just a shame its taken so blooming long!

I shall make an appointment to see the GP next week just to confirm, but it sounds ok to me at the moment!

Glad you have had some good news Hunny. It seems you may have something that can be treated. Brilliant! Teresa xx

That is good news

At least you can now get some help for your symptoms!

I hope the new appointments come through very soon.

Btw, I’m sure Belinda knows about hemiplegic migraine - so if you want to know more, you could send her a pm (brog64).

Karen x

Thanks Teresa and Karen,

I was so amazed to get through to anyone when I rang that I think I was in shock! Lol! but hopefully I’ve understood her right. She wizzed through the letter she’d sent the GP, but I’ll see him next week just to check!

I’ll get in touch with Belinda regarding the migraine. I’ve suffered with what I’d call ‘normal’ migraine for years, but it changed significantly last year, to something much more violent. Its a relief to know its that, rather than something more sinister.

Thanks again x

Hi, It’s great to hear good news, thanks for sharing it with us and hope your appt’ comes through quickly.

