As some of you may be aware I have been offered a one bedroom bungalow from one of my local housins associations that I joined. I have been out to view it and quite liked it but was unsure about some iof the features.
Anyway my aunt who has helped house other family members and knows what she is l;ooking for and how to help people with disabilioties get rehomed and furnish their homes etc, is going to come with me and help me deciede if the property is suitable and what can be done about it.
I’m getting very excited and looking forward to getting some independence, getting a place of my own with no stairs to climb and getting away from my mother.
fantastic news Raggamuffin, I don’t know whether you have an OT in place to support you with the decision on the house. It may be a good idea but whatever, have a good viewing and look forward to having your own space.
Hi, take your time to decide, it sounds good to me but, of course, I’m not going to be livin in it. Not having stairs will be absolutely fab and I kno w you want away from your mum. Hope the viewing with your aunt goes well. Cheryl:-)
Hey Willie, no I don’t have an O/T yet or a social worker and cant get either until I am in a place of my own.
My aunt has a lot of experience gettng older family members and friends into care homes and their own places so think she will be fine getting me sorted and she has even said that she wont let them put me anywhere bad.
She even knows people who are going to give me furnishings like a double bed frame and knows wherto go for other home furnishings. When I am actually moved in there there is a lady at my local MS group that can come out to my new house and see what they can do for me.
Saw the bungalow with my Aunt and unfortunatley it wasnt suitable It was a nice looking bungalow with a great front and back garden but had very narrow spaces in the kirchen and slight door frame sockets (if thats the right word)_ around the house which would make traveling around the house if I end up in a wheelchair very difficult.
Ah well its back to searching for properties every Thursday.
Hi , sorry it wasn’t suitable. I can understand how disappointed you must be feeling. However, let’s try to look at the positives here. There was no point in taking it if it wasn’t really suitable, you would never have been really happy with it. It’s like two steps forward, one step back isn’t it, you are further forward than you were this time least week because you have looked at one place but you are a step back from where you were before you looked. You did well to get offered the place, take positives from that and also well done on looking and not just jumping on the first place you were offered. Sounds like you did the right thing to turn it down. Good luck with next Thursday’s search! How is your job going? Cheryl:-)
Unfortunatley it couldnt be adapated to suit my needs the kitchen was ju7st too narrow which wouyld be o.k now but if I end up neding a wheelchair to get around I wiouldnt be able to get through. There swere a few other obsticals in the house that could’t be adapted
Such a shame as everything else was nice and I was really looking forward to it.
Ah well she said that they wouldnt hold it against me that I didn’t take it and I should just keep looking and bidding.
Hi Jon, sorry it wasn’t the right one for you. You are doing the best thing… waiting to get one that really does fit the bill. Hope they come up with another offer soon.
Keep in mind that you can always transfer once you are in social housing so if you can’t bear waiting you could take one that wasn’t perfect and put in for a transfer couple of years later.
‘New build’ properties are often built as ‘lifetime homes’ and have wider doors, higher electric sockets and lower light switches… all designed with wheelchairs in mind. Look out for new flats being built in the area you want to live in and find out who the landlord is and if you can apply for one.
Take care and fingers crossed another comes along soon,
Sorry to read that this bungalow just doesn’t offer you what you need. It would have been nice if you could have moved in before Christmas. Best of luck for ‘plan B’, as the right property is bound to be out there waiting for you.
Hi Jon, I know its not much consolation but I’m a big believer on where there is a negative there is always a positive. A perfect home for you will come along and you’ll look back on this day and think thank goodness I didn’t take that last bungalow. You have also been in a position to work out how you are going to furnish etc so you will be better prepared when the right one tips up for you which is not too far off I’m sure.
Keep positive, you’ve done it once, you can do it again!