I do music…
“Oh’ that’s wonderful, and what instrument do you play…?”
Gimme a cheese roll, I’ll get a tune out of it…
Prior to lock-down I was playing-out 2, or 3 times a week, but that was then…
(P.S. My money-maker is my Ukulele which I’m better at playing than you will ever be, even if I gave you lessons…
If you disagree, come an’ have a go if you think you stand a chance, bring Gershwin’s, “Rhythm Changes” with you, you will need it…)
My life’s is Electronic Music…
From the early experiments of the Pioneers like, Theremin, Clara Rockmore, Stockhausen, The San-Francisco Tape Centre, Morton Subotnik, Bob Moog, and, possibly my greatest influence, The BBC Radiophonic Workshop, to today’s world of Digital Synthesis that my telephone-exchange of a Modular Synth is capable of
Obviously, if I followed my I’d starve…
Unfortunately, since gigs were are regular occurrence, my physical abilities have declined to the point I can no longer fool ppl into thinking I’m dancing where as, in fact, I careening around saving myself from falling into anything/one important…
(The walking stick is a dead give away…)
- I’ll probably need to be static…
- I’ve no Agent so I need to hustle, which I don’t have the NRG to do…
3)I can’t be bothered with putting a new band together with all the arguments, emotional turmoil, tears, and egos…
I bought a Looper Pedal, an Electric Ukulele, and a battery-powered Amp that could rip y’skin off @ 11 and I’m going Busking…!
If y’see me, toss y’spare change…
It’s for charity…