Nearly 2 weeks on Gabapentin and absolutely no change to my symptoms, maybe I was expecting too much .
In fact, the muscle stiffness is much worse! The tight head is still there as is the hip and back ache and sore feet.This is all much worse in the mornings when my body feels like concrete when I wake up - much better after an hours pottering about though? It’s difficult to keep mentioning to partner as I feel like a hypochondriac and he can’t see it. The prickles and numbing have really eased off which I guess is a positive, though I still get stabbing pains in wierd places like big toe, under arm, rib, bum…
Is it worth insisting on an MRI to help rule out a Neurology issue before suggesting the Rheumatology route? Maybe at next weeks doc follow up, I should just mention Rheumatology anyway. I keep going round in circles in my head as Neuro and (sympathetic) doc both clear that symptoms are “too random” to cause an MRI to show anything - but can’t help wondering.
Sometimes gabapentin takes a little longer than a couple of weeks to work, give it a little more time, it took about four weeks for me to notice a change in my Trigeminla neuralgia and it still doesn’t make it go completely away I get a dull ache rather than electric shock. But then again I’m only on a low dose as it sedated me when I tried to increase! Hopefully it will kick in soon for you! I’m sorry you are going through this, I can’t recommend whether you should insist on an MRI, can I ask what your actual treatment plan is at the moment? Who you’re seeing and whether you have any referrals in process? You mention rheumatology, is that the route you are going? If so they may want an MRI, CT, X-Rays themselves. I’m hoping you get some form of help soon!
Hi peanutgirl you sound in the exact same position as myself, except I’ve had my mris. I too am wondering whether to try and be referred to a rhuemotolgist. I find gabapentin does great for some of my pain but some of it I have to take a muscle relaxant, I am on clonazepam, although this can make you really sleepy. I know how you feel with the whole limbo xxx
Hi my story started a nember of years ago my first main symptom being stiff leg muscles I was referred to a Neuro who just happened to be an MS specialist lovely guy - after exam he said he did not think was MS but as I was so anxious at this time he said I could have a MRI of my head if I wished. I took him up on that but nothing was found it did help at the time but I am still under a neuro in limbo. I did try Gapapentin but it did not help me at all made me all anxious and heightened my symptoms no relief at all - thats just me as I know it helps lots of people. If I were you I would push for an MRI if you feel your symptoms are more neurological than rheummy or at least find out the time scale when the neuro would be willing to do a MRI
Hi all, thanks so much for replying. My history goes back to last year and backache, vertigo and very tight calves. Had the odd sore joint, but didn’t go to doc. I started to get some head pains which were unusual, then in February I had electric shocks, numb pelvis and cheek, sore heels, tingling in hands and feet etc. No eye or balance probs but did keep dropping things. Doc referred me to a Neuro who did all the usual checks and found everything normal, so after 15 mins referred me back to doc :(. I went back to doc as neuro type symptoms had eased but muscle stiffness and joint pains worse. He has decided to treat the symptoms with Gabapentin and review me after 2 weeks. So I’m not under a Neuro and don’t have a plan? They will only do an MRI if symptoms stay in one place for weeks/months. I wasn’t aware Rheumatology used MRI, but they would do scans, so may ask to go there next as close female side of family all have auto-immune problems. I can appreciate doc is trying to treat it, but would like to try and find out what! Finding it hard to work too at mo. Thanks for listening xx
Hi I am not sure how long you have been ill but from what I have gathered on this forum that neurological illnesses such as ms and similar illnesses, can take along time to be detected. Don’t lose heart take each day at a time, log your symptoms and if you are not happy go back to your gp. Your gp should point you in the right direction, you may well end up seeing a variety of specialist but again from what I have read on this forum that is not unusual. Stay strong and determined, I wish you a speedy diagnosis whatever that may be. Lou x
Thank you Lou, very kind x. I think I’ll feel better when the muscle stiffness is under control, I’m in my 40’s, but feel like I’m 90 like many on this site!! o_O Hip and shoulder current bad bits. I’ll see what doctor says this week and get some advice. PG
Stick with the Gabapentin and discuss a possible increase in dose with your GP, also possibly adding Amitriptyline at night; It took me 4 months to get to a level where the sensory symptoms are under some sort of control - I’m on 2,400 mg per day Gabapentin and 20 mg Amitriptyline at night to control the random pins and needles, tingling, burning in my left hand/arm and electric shocks through said arm whenever I put my head forward and look down (or curl up in bed at night!) together with sparks down the middle of my upper back.
Latest round of MRI’s, bloods etc. show massive deficiency inVitamin D - so add that to the list above, and 3 lesions in my brain. This is the first/only attack, and given that I am 46 - the Neurologist thinks it unlikely I’ll have another one. Time will tell - but for now, I’m (almost) in the clear.