

Not dx as yet but believe I’m in the middle of a relapse at the moment. Was really bad about three weeks ago but gradually started to improve but unfortunately have went down hill again these last few days. I’m really struggling to cope so phoned gp this afternoon to see if there was anything they could do to help me.

Wasn’t really surprised by the answer but basically was told because I have an MRI scan booked for next Thursday they would not want to give me steroids as it can interfere with the resulsts of the scan. She suggested that I could have gabapentin but I’m not convinced that it would help me any. The thing that is causing me the biggest problems is absolute exhaustion and I;m pretty sure gabapentin will not help me with that.

What do you guys think? Is it worth a go anyway???

Thanks in advance for any help and advice.

The gabapentin won’t help with the tiredness- what it mainly helps with is the nerve pain. Are you having any nerve pain? If so then yes gabapentin can help with this. For tiredness some people take a vitamin b12 tablet and some people take ginseng which possibly could help. I’ve just come off gabapentin after about 4 months on it- it worked somewhat with my nerve pain but it didn’t agree with me because some of the side effects were worse than having the pain! Not sure if that’s much help for you

Hi Karina

No I don’t think I have any nerve pain. I have pins and needles in my feet, slight numbness in the tips of my fingers in my left hand and some numbness on the left hand side of my face but no pain fortunately.

I have a really sharp pain in my upper back but have been give naproxen from my gp for it and it seems to be helping. As I said it’s the complete exhaustion that I’m not coping with .

I think you’re probably right that gabapentin isn’t the answer.

Thanks for the advice.

Ann Marie

Gabapentin is good for sensory symptoms (but not numbness, unfortunately) and for spasms; it won’t help with fatigue I don’t think, other than to take away symptoms that might be making you more fatigued - living with weird stuff and pain is pretty tiring!

The only thing to do is rest I’m afraid. There’s little point fighting it. Once you’re up to it, exercise can help, but don’t try if you’re in the midst of a relapse.

Karen x

Thanks Karen.

Not sure if I’m in the middle of relapse or not. This is all new to me so am floundering about in the dark a bit. MRI is next Thursday so hopefully I’ll get a better idea of what’s going on then…

I was exercising five times a week until this hit me. I’m hoping that once i get through this i can get back to my regulat gym trips. I’m missing them a lot!!!

Thanks again

Ann Marie