Back to Doc methinks

After getting nowhere with a Neuro, my symptoms have started to come back, but are different. My main problems at the mo. are hip pain - like a knitting needle through top of hip bone on and off, tight thighs every day, back ache and being as stiff as a board in the morning. Tingles occasionally in feet and hands but no-where near amount as before. Shooting pains on left side of head, but again on and off. No eye or balance probs, so I’m not that bad .

Back to the doc maybe or is it just ageing? I don’t want them to think I’m a hypochondriac for general aches and pains (in my 40’s) . In the mornings I do hobble about for the first hour or so!?

Anyway, still finding the Forum very useful, though trying not to obsess

Hi Peanutgirl Has your Doctor ever suggested about referring you to see rheumatologist? A few people hear suggested that my symptoms sound alot like fibromyalgia. I recently read up about it and Fibromyalgia symptoms are very much like MS. I have aches and pains and lots of other symptoms that come and go also.

From my experience, general aches and pains in your 40s are not normal. I hobble first thing through stiffness (it takes my muscles and nerves a while to remember what they’re supposed to do) but a) that’s due to my MS and b) it doesn’t hurt. My parents are in their 70s and neither of them regards pain as a normal part of life.

I would take the pain to mean something is wrong: it needs investigating and you need pain relief. I’d go back to your GP and discuss both pain relief and referral to another specialist.

Thanks for replies, I think I will. Electric shock things are back today, but all over the place not “in the same place” as the Neuro said anything serious would be. How would Fibro be diagnosed? Thank you, I appreciate the info PG x

Glad I went back to doctor, he listened and was v sympathetic. He agreed with neuro’s stance on symptoms being too random currently to MRI :-(, but at least wants to treat symptoms. I’m starting on 300mg Gabapentin. I hope it helps with the pains and stiffness but don’t like the look of the side effect list! o_O. Back to see him soon and will mention rheumatology thing then. Thanks for advice, really appreciate it. PG x

Hi ive read that a rheumatologist who specialises in diagnosing and treating arthritis and other joint, muscle, and bone diseases, can make the correct medical diagnosis of fibromyalgia and treat the symptoms. Also a Neurologist may play a big part in diagnosing and treating fibromyalgia. Glad your Doctor was sympathetic and good luck with the Gabapentine. Everyone’s reaction to a medicine is different. Your side effects might only be mild or you wont have any side-effects at all xx

Ive read that fibro is diagnosed by ruling out other conditions first and certain criteria has to be met ect x


After getting nowhere with a Neuro, my symptoms have started to come back, but are different. My main problems at the mo. are hip pain - like a knitting needle through top of hip bone on and off, tight thighs every day, back ache and being as stiff as a board in the morning. Tingles occasionally in feet and hands but no-where near amount as before. Shooting pains on left side of head, but again on and off. No eye or balance probs, so I’m not that bad .

Back to the doc maybe or is it just ageing? I don’t want them to think I’m a hypochondriac for general aches and pains (in my 40’s) . In the mornings I do hobble about for the first hour or so!?

Anyway, still finding the Forum very useful, though trying not to obsess

[/quote] Hi your problems sound so similar to mine, frustrating isn’t it. I’m off to neuro number two next week but I don’t hold out on getting uh help. I have the back pain and the hip pain when it comes on is just awful. Like others have suggested to you it could be rheumtogical, I’m really starting to wonder if mine is. You should get the doctor to send you for a second opinion, I was told they are legally advised to do so, best of luck xx

Peanutgirl, remember that the leaflets that come with medications have to list every side-effect ever attributed to that medication - no matter how rare. It is unlikely that you will experience more than one or two of the common side-effects.

I’m glad you’ve got a sympathetic doctor and I hope the treatment works for you.

Thanks all, wierdly I didn’t get the usual leaflet, just the tablets in a Boots box - googled drug myself for info. I’m starting to think this is rheumatoligical ( is that a word, lol!). I have parents with PMR, GCA and arthritis. Think I’ll give doc that info next time, perhaps a genetic link? Thanks peeps PG xxx