Hey all
finally got to see a neuro after my last one went on sabbatical (had symptoms for 2 years and seen 3 neuros, 2 MS specialists). New neuro was fab - after I went through the new symptoms he said so it seems like you are still having issues. He then said though I had non-specific lesions (not typical of MS) he had seen many people with non-specific lesions like mine go on to develop MS. He thinks that what I have is MS and is keen on getting me on some DMD’s with the right evidence to support diagnosis as he said you’ve had more than 2 episodes and they’re within 6 months of each other.
He’s arranging repeat MRI (spine and brain as he believes my issues are spinal), Lp and EVP. He was even lovely enough to say we’ll accommodate you what day of the week is best with my work schedule for me to come in and get all tests done in 1 go.
So not a clear diagnosis yet (everything may come back with nothing to show) but the neuro believes and if the evidence is there to support MS which the neuro strongly suspects I will get DMD’s, help, treatment.
So relieved to be doing something to maybe get answers