I’m dead below the waist! I seem to have no sexual response. This has happened suddenly. I’ve still got an itch and have spent hours indulging in the most pornographic fantasies followed by an hour with a brand new toy bought 2 weeks ago to replace my last one which broke about 5 months ago. Got no response. I’m not lubricating naturally but as older thats not surprising.
I have self stimulated for my entire life and have never had a toy that didn’t work for me so wonder if any older women with ms have had the same experience?
we can all stay anonymous as this is sensitive for so many reasons.
I still have feeling down below and use my friend
about once a month. It`s quick!
Hi, I never use toys, it just isn’t my thing, each to their own I say and if it’s what you like, then good luck, however I have lost feeling in that area, nothing happens and its very sad as me and my hubby have always had a good sex life, I’ve been like this for over 5yrs, thankfully my husband is very understanding, we still mess about as I still like to be with him and him me, MS is very cruel, robs us of so much… I didn’t what to go anon as this is so not my faut, or yours. x x
I lost feeling ‘downstairs’ a few years ago. (I can barely remember what sex used to be like, except I know it used to be fun!)
I tried a couple of years ago to stimulate something by putting new batteries into ‘old faithful’. The experiment failed. Still couldn’t feel anything.
I’ve managed to live without such feeling. It’s such a bloody shame, but life has more to it than sex.
Equally not going anon as I don’t care who knows what about me and I don’t think it’s necessarily embarrassing. But I know that many people find it difficult to be open about such things. So anon or not, it’s something we should talk about.
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I also have no feeling below the waist… Even with my friends. Also have lost all interest in any rumpy pumpy. It’s been a good year since I was last intimate with my husband. I’m lucky he’s very understanding.
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Interesting greenhouse you think there’s a “fault” with female masturbation, this is why the subject is sensitive. It’s always been a taboo, I know a lot older women were taught “your privates are dirty and you must never touch them” as a result they never used tampons because that means touching yourself. Some women have a strong sex drive and would like sexual gratification but aren’t in a relationship, it’s good for your mental health and is a release for a lot of people and men do it routinely.
I don’t think Greenhouse was saying masturbation was wrong, just that she doesn’t get off that way (for the same reason I no longer masturbate) and manages to have a close physical relationship with her husband regardless of sensory feeling. If that works out for your relationship, then that’s brilliant. What we’d all aspire to.
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Ok anon,lets be clear here, I do not think there is anything wrong with female masturbation, it’s just not for me, I don’t have any problems with woman using toys and again lets be clear I don’t think there’s anything wrong with using those either, it’s just not for me, strict Catholic Irish upbringing. If you enjoy, then that’s good. It doesn’t matter now for me which way, either full intercourse, or masturbation, it just doesn’t work. So please when you’re reading, read it right, as your response made me a little cross.
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forgot to add, I used tampons, I touch myself all the time, as I have to self catheter, don’t think my pvt’s are dirty, there part of me.
I apologise greenhouse I didn’t intend to make you cross I just thought that when you said “it’s not my fault it’s yours” that you felt there was a fault, I am only anonymous as others might be because the subject is even in 2020 somewhat taboo.
So anon, I except that, thank you and if you read my 1st reply again, I did say its not my fault, or yours, meaning the MS isn’t our fault, or the lose of feeling. This condition has got a lot to answer for, I’m just sad for you that this has happened, I’ve had 5yrs of no feelings there to get used ot it, nearly 14yrs with MS. Have a good day and my advice, don’t give up trying with your toys, a lady I knpw lost feelings for about 2yrs and 1 day it came back. x
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Hi guys how are you doing, I’m having bad anxiety at the min about going out. Makes me feel sick to go out.
I’m in so much pain with my joints, I also have psoriatic arthritis.
Hi shakermaker, sorry you feel like this…but I think you’ve posted this on the wrong blog, maybe start a new 1 yourself. Good luck love, x