I just wondered if anyone has ever experienced feeling travel sick ?? For the longest time I’ve had this and it comes and goes in bouts. I’ve been trying for years to put a name to it and describe it somehow and it finally came fo me tonight.
I go for weeks at a time of just feeling generally unwell. I have this pressure in my head which can end up in a bad headache that lingers or a migraine. But other times, it’s just pressure and at the same time I just feel nauseous for days on end. I constantly feel the way you feel when you read in a moving car on a cloudy day and you end up feeling ill from it. The brightness of the clouds and the motion of the car plus the reading is the perfect recipe for this feeling. I feel so exhausted from it and sometimes it’s there every day for a few weeks at a time. Is this just an MS thing ? It’s also comparable to a hangover a little. But I would say more the travel sickness thing.
It’s also exhausting and makes me just want to lie down. I try to treat it by eating bread or a sugary can of Coke to get my energy back, but it doesn’t make it go away. All I want to do is just lie down in a dark room when I feel like this. It’s so tiring.
il having at the moment, it’s been around 3 -4 days and I’ve gone off food too. Just feel constantly sick and completely drained. Also kind of like the end of a migraine attack, when you’re just so exhausted.
sorry for all the strange comparisons and descriptions. Is this just MS fatigue ?
OMG I have another comparison to the feeling ! You know when you’re landing at Heathrow and you’re in a massive loop and just circling and circling waiting to land- it’s the worst at Heathrow as it’s so busy. Very often this can take 30 minutes or so. I always end up feeling so ill. Like my head is going to explode… this is how I feel when I have this feeling. But I’m not on a plane or in a car, I’m just at home and it’s just a normal day. I wake with it.
Hahah it’s horrible isn’t it ! I actually wrote the deception of landing at Heathrow too, but accidentally pressed on ’ anonymous '…
Strangely, nothing works against the nausea. It’s kind of when I was pregnant and suffered from Hypermensis Gravidarum ( I cant remember how to spell that ) but you’re always nauseous and nothing helps.
I’m currently awaiting an MS diagnosis and also suffered with Hyperemisis Gravidarium when pregnant with my daughter. I am feeling exactly like that sometimes. Do you have any travel sickness bands? Think I will have to dig those out!
I do have sickness bands which I wore when I was pregnant last year, but they didn’t make a difference. I also tried all the drugs they give you for HG but didn’t work. I just felt sick for 9 months. I don’t think it was MS related but I feel similar at the moment and I’m definitely NOT pregnant this time. Good luck with your diagnosis. Hope you don’t have it !
Only very occasionally do I feel nauseous but a lot of the time I feel crap. The annoying thing is that I can’t pinpoint a reason for it and then possibly do something about it.
Saw my dr about it - her helpful?? response - well you’ve got m.s. what do you expect?
I’m starting to think this motion sickness feeling could be linked to a brain stem lesion/ vertigo / dizziness. Eventhough I don’t get vertigo and dizziness, perhaps the lesion is really small so it’s causing my brain to feel like I’m in motion.
Tough one to describe and determine what to attribute it to.
Yes, we often put all our aliments down to MS, but its kind of dangerous to do that with everything. Yet we feel a nuisance ringing the MS nurse...especially if they respond the way cracowians did!
Feeling constantly sick (for most of the time) is the pits. I get the fatigue almost constantly, but not the nausea.
When I do get the sickly feeling, it is often a warning that I am about to have a bad dizzy do. Hate them, they really are horrible.
I get the nausea feeling…I also get a feeling like I’m on the edge of something…like feeling drunk and not drinking, like a headache’s coming on, like a cold’s coming on, feeling dizzy, strange feelings in my head, full to bursting, all very strange. I do myself get times and for me it’s more so over Autumn/winter when I do get physically sick and my bowel gives way, both of things are horrible, the vomiting is particually bad, my stomach goes into spasm, I have cold sweats, 1st attach I had my MS nurse said the MS was active, I do this most years and I’ve done it many times over the years, even before I knew I had MS, I did put a post on here about it, this I wouldn’t wish on anyone and I can only thank God I’ve got a good hubby.
I’ve even described this feeling to my GP and MS consultant as a feeling of “travel sickness”.
GP said its common to get the sensation of vertigo with MS, even if you do not actually suffer from vertigo.
I dont get dizzy as such, but of a nausea feeling, exactly like travel sickness or if you were reading a book whilst travelling in a car, a sickly nausea sensation with a combined sickly headache.
I currently take Betahistine which helps a bit.
I used to take a medication which I think was Promethazine, I know it began with a P, it was very very good, but apparently you shouldn’t stay on it for long periods so my GP changed it to Betahistine.
For weeks i have had lightheadedness and accompanying nausea though never vomit. Its not vertigo or spinning or off balance when walking but just a feeling like am hungover/travel sickness/come off a fairground ride. Or generally quite spaced out malaise
I have been going to GP for best part of 18 months re this, long before approaching for altered sensations… I was sent for Echo of heart first, and then to come back. View was that it was probably migraine/keep an eye out etc. Now thinking pain in eye and face is Trigeminal Neuralgia too
Its been going on for weeks now and have been trying establish reasons (eg time of day, food, caffiene , migraine, blood sugar) but nada
I do get migraines and downloaded Migraine App to track them too - but the symptoms arent always accompanied by migraine or severe headache, though i do get the weird low level headachy feeling and just feeling unwell too. Its been almost daily for 5 weeks and though the altered sensations drove me to GP, they have abated and this is the main moan i have . Was thinking glasses for work (didnt used to need them) and staring at screen was causing it but again not linked
I also get it really intensely and need to lie down, other times can be at work all day with it
I was at GP for it last week after 3 day headache and lightheadeness but to be honest no one doing anything as first Neuro appt is 4 weeks away . I havent been diagnosed yet. Kept hoping (as all do starting on journey) that its unrelated to possible MS though you have both…so it being a symptom of MS is back in the running
I read its hard to treat brainstem lesion if this is what causes it, say in relation to to vestibular reasons that Bethahistine would help. The thought of it not going away if its a symptom is …