Ugh is all i can say. Last week i suddenly had the worse stomach rush to loo etc you know the score, believe there is a virus doing the rounds. It made me feel so ill. Got through the days and felt much better yesterday, i slept well too, and woke up not too bad.

Then all hell has let loose. I feel awful cant describe it. No temperature, or blood pressure, checked for UTI nothing, but everything is buzzing, tingling, burning and i feel really weird like light headed and so tired. My left side is so weak, i can barely walk. Yet i have eaten something i felt hungry. I am so confused.

Just want this awful feeling to go away, is this normal or should I be worried about something else. I have had similar before but not as bad as this. Its kind of like when you dont want to panic yourself so you try and do things to stop thinking about just how ill you actually feel.

Hope you are soon feeling better it sounds horrid. XXX Don


Hello Crazy Chick, I hope you feel better soon…I have been there in fact at the beginning when i lost all mobility it was like how you described , i never got the mobility back fully and now i always have that low level buzzing weakness and sometimes get scared that it will go into the full blown horrible weakness i had at the beginning where i couldn’t lift even a fork. i remember lying on the floor feeling rotten not even the energy to simple thing.

Take care hope it goes away soon

Michelle x


Oh dear CC.

I know the feeling. It’s important to get some time on your own to try to relax. It does sound like one of those moments when all seems too much and you are afraid of what the future may hold. But the future is still in your hands. I just accept the symptoms and try to explain to everyone that I now travel on a different planet. I have also found that taking anti-depressants has helped enormously. It took a long time to accept it but my GP was helpful and understanding. After all, we have a chronic illness.

Hope you’re feeling better soon.

Steve x

Thanks shelly, i think it was triggered by overdoing things perhaps. I have spent just 2 days resting, and the level of buzzing in my head has quieten down some what. The weakness is still there but not as bad its running at about 6 now instead of a 12 lol.

I must admit i felt like that no energy, just like i was sinking into my recliner. I am a bit scared as my symptoms seem to be getting worse of late.

Its just so scary unless people have had it they could never understand. Its like being on one of those vibrating machines for a day, and coming off and this is how it leaves your body lol. xxxx

Hope yours is in a better place. x

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Hi Steve, i have been living with this and another worse neuro disease for over 10 years. its not depression. It was just me overdoing things, and trying to be clever i think and perhaps the aftermath of a tummy virus.

I feel marginally better the buzzing is quitening down a bit.

Thank you though for such a kind and caring answer to me. xxxx

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HI Crazy Chick, I had something similar happened to me earlier on in the year. I had a mild cold and a few hours later had the most painful spasms I have ever had and the next day I woke up and thought I had a stroke as the left side of my body could hardly move. After debating with my other half if I should get medical attention I went back to sleep and woke up feeling a whole lot better and feeling came back slowly throughout the day. The next day I felt fine again but it was really scary at the time. Even a mild virus came play havoc with your ms.

Mags xx

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I am also guilty of overdoing it but when I get my teeth into something I just keep going. Partly it’s fear of boredom and I’ve always liked the feeling of relaxing after some hard graft. But I can’t cycle forty miles or go up mountains any more! Doing the washing is my mountain. Home cooking is my long distance. And as for housework? It’s just boring.

Stay cool. Steve. x

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