I feel a bit sad this morning …like tired and old and lonely. We had a lovely weekend with our son and daughter in law staying we had a barbecue on Saturday night, I’d felt on a high tired but happy just said goodbye to Jonathan and Jenna they’ve gone back to Glasgow. Naomi and Laura my twin granddaughters who just happen to be my best little pals have gone away on there hols . Rochelle had them on video whatsap this morning . They looked so happy there 2 and a half and are a bit delayed ( poss autism) so don’t understand hols but seemed excited anyway . They both kissed Nana goodbye …They hold Rochelle phone up to their little mouths and make kissy noises it’s so cute and Naomi carefully carried Nana downstairs …I didn’t get dropped ( My face appears on their phone) . And then it’s goodbye . I’ll see them in a week. It’s gonna be a lonely week. Michelle and Frazer xx
Hi Michelle & Frazer,
Aww, bless, you might feel tired which most of us on here do most of the time but you’re certainly not lonely and won’t be lonely (or old). You have a lovely husband, a wonderful family, the amazing Frazer and plenty of friends on here and around you.
It sounds like you’ve had a lovely weekend and yes, you would of been on a high with it and that’s great but now you’re having a bit of a ‘slump’ as it’ll be catching up with you as this unfortunately is what this horrible MS does to us but please don’t be too hard on yourself and take this time to re-energize your batteries and I’m sure you’ll still hear from them whilst they’re away and you’ll see them soon.
Take Care.
Twinkle Toes x
Thanks twinkle toes,That’s such a nice message . I’ve felt sad this morning, I just love them coming here. We play at making a pretend Frazer out of play dough and putting him in the toy car for a ride,and feeding Naomi’s teddy and Laura’s mouse pretend chips and eggs , it’s amazing what you can make out of play dough. It’s good therapy for me too, I feel so valued and loved by them . When Rochelle was pregnant I was so worried that I’d be no good as a grandma but I was wrong we have the best time ever, it’s exhausting but it’s given me my sparkle back . It’s funny they hate being in their pushchair, they both insist on sitting on Nanas knee , we must look unusual when im out with Rochelle with them both on my wheelchair and Frazer at the side of us. They’ll be home in a week and I’m so happy for them all being able to get away to the seaside. I’m lucky Twinkle , I don’t know what I’d do without my family . I’ve been a stay at home mum for years having had 7 children and some with additional needs too. It’s been a busy life , I was just doing my qualifications and volunteering to be a classroom assistant but then my son was unwell and after that I developed my disability. I can’t complain I’ve had a fun life. Michelle and Frazer xx
Hi Michelle
I know it’s sad when they all go back home or away for a holiday, but this is now your time to get this batteries recharged, because it won’t be long and you will be back to having them home.
Enjoy the rest.
Pam x
You know what I think you are spot on Pam …It’s time to recharge my batteries . I’ve felt exhausted at times even though I love it . Sometimes I’m relieved when it’s home time the problem is I don’t really have any hobbies anymore and as everyone on here knows friendship and anything we did as pre disabled people has altered beyond recognition. Molly will be home from school soon and I’ll take her to the gym . I feel tired but bored and lonely all at once . But I can’t even say that I want to go out I’m so tired…It’s one of those out of sorts days. Michelle and Frazer xx
Ah Shell, now what would you be saying to others on here feeling flat after a fab weekend of pure family time. You encourage us all as you overcome so many difficulties with lots of love in your heart.
It sounds an idyllic weekend you’ve shared with you family. You advise & support them to grow into responsible adults.
I’m less than 10hrs & it’ll be tomorrow. On the next day, it’s mid-week. So not long to recharge your body & energy levels. Next week, they’ll be back in your arms, and you’ll wonder where the time has gone!
Take care hon,
Chrissie xx
Yes, get some rest and look forward to next weekend I didn’t surface until after lunch today and I didn’t even do much.
Sonia x
Thanks Chrissy. That’s so h a lovely message, people are so kind on here, it makes me cry reading all of these uplifting messages. Rochelle sent me a picture of them last night fast asleep in there beds with teddy and mouse. I think I just crashed a bit after a fun exhausting weekend where I felt so happy and did more than normal. Today I woke up feeling incredibly weak , I struggled to write a cheque for Molly’s dinner money my hands are weak and the fine Motor skills are bad . My vision is doubled up really bad and the ring in my left ear is louder than ever . Even eating and swallowing seems more of an effort. Yes I did too much …but I loved it. Michelle and Frazer xx
Brilliant Sonia, I seem to be doing less and less. And if I push the boat out and do more I feel awful for days after. My agency carers came yesterday and tidied up I couldn’t do without them but my bedroom is a tip . It’s like sleeping in a charity shop …there’s clothes everywhere and alsorts all over. I leave Lee to help me with that and he’s had too much on with work . I’m too ashamed to let anyone else sort it . Sometimes I’ve let Christine my Friday carer and friend tidy our room , she’s away at the moment. I have personal things and a commode, its a trusting thing isn’t it letting people into our lives. Michelle and Frazer xx
Hi Michelle & Frazer,
Aww, it sounded like you all had a great time it’s amazing what you can do with a bit of playdough and an imagination lots of fun and therapy too.
Of course you’re valued and loved, very much so by all your family, and friends and I bet you’re an amazing Grandma too, ok, you get exhausted easily and your health is not the best but you’re still their Grandma and they won’t think anything different of you.
They’ll be back before you know it and you’ll be able to have more fun with them but in the meantime you need to be recharging them batteries of yours
Wow Michelle, see you are amazing, 7 children and some with additional needs too you and Lee have most definitely had a full, busy & fun life with all your family, and now you have your lovely Grandchildren too. I know your MS has tried to get in the way of things as it does but you can get through it all you’re a tough cookie.
Take Care.
Twinkle Toes x
Yes, I don’t have carers yet but I know the time will come xx
Hello Michelle.
I’ve only just seen your post.
For someone who charges ahead at the forefront of endeavour leaving torpor in its wake, there are bound to be flat moments. You are a towering example to us all as we seek to fight the good fight.
Steve x woof
Thanks Steve , I equally get inspired by others on here . Sometimes I get scared to stop, I feel as if I’m running and daren’t stop because depression would set in. It’s the days when I’ve nothing to do and to or strive for, those are the days I feel really sad. When I first became disabled it was after a few years of feeling weak and awful and not knowing why but then suddenly lost all mobility, the bit that I got back isn’t enough to walk down the street. The depression hit me so hard far worse than the loss of legs but I’m sure they were connected . It’s taken a long time to "get back " Im me again… a reinvented different me . You know for the first time in years I feel really happy I think the relentless pace is just because im scared that the "black dog " will come back. Frazer has helped a lot …he chases the “black dog” away . I wish that more people on here could have a Frazer in their lives. How are you Steve ? Are things okay for you , I felt for you after your Dad died , I hope that you are feeling better. How is little Rose ? School okay ? . Have you anymore adventures planned? Take care. Michelle and Frazer xx woof
Hello Michelle.
It’s been a slow crawl out of the mire.
The last time I was oop north was in March when I was far more relaxed and had a lovely time. I’m up again in May just before my house move. I intend to do a fjord cruise and another trip to Cyprus this year.
Rose is thriving at school. I’m very proud.
Sometime this year I WILL get to Froddy.
Steve x woof