Long story short, Optic Neuritis in October has resulted in blood tests, Neuro, MRI etc. All blood tests negative (good) and neuro exam ok.
I had a head MRI in December and had a follow up with the neurologist a week later (I was very lucky to be seen so quickly). The neuro said there were several lesions on the brain but that he was not too worried and has discharged me telling me there is a 50-60% chance I will develop MS in the next 5 years. He said I should return to my GP if anything changed drastically (I have some MS-type symptoms, but nothing life changing).
He asked if my husband and I were considering children (I am 27, married in May 2013) and he told me that ‘it’ shouldn’t affect our decision making process and that ‘the symptoms’ generally improve during pregnancy. He basically explained it to me as if I had a diagnosis. It concerned me, but I put it to the back of my mind as much as possible.
I left feeling a little unnerved but generally positive, but apprehensive at the sound of the ‘numbers’ he gave me.
I have since received the radiologist’s report which states there is at least one ‘suspicious’ lesion. I have tried to put this to the back of my mind as much as I can.
I received my CC’d copy of the letter he sent my GP yesterday. He explains that I have periventricular lesions and juxtacortical lesions. I have been doing some research and these seem to be consistent with MS.
As a bit of background, I am an accountant, so I like numbers and facts and information. My husband calls me an ‘information magpie’. I am not scaring myself by consulting Dr Google, I just want as much information as I can get. I don’t feel I am self-diagnosing, just trying to fill in the knowledge gaps. I just feel that the neuro is trying not to scare me, but really I would rather just know if my scans were indicative of MS. I know that my symptoms do not affect my quality of life, but I just feel that he’s not being completely up front with me and sugar coating things.
Sorry this post is so long, I just needed to say it. I can’t talk to my husband about it right now as I know all I will do is get upset. I can’t help it, I don’t feel ready to talk about it out loud. But I do feel that I can cope with more information than I have been given. The ophtho, the neuro, my GP, they all avoid mentioning MS. I just feel that with the ON, the MS-typical lesions and various other symptoms, I need to be realistic.
I think I need a virtual slap round the face to snap me out of it!!