Feel lost in anxiety, I have my mri results and I’m scared it’s bad, I’m in constant worry and fear of what I am being diagnosed with. Unsure how to keep moving through life with this fear constantly there, I’ve attached my mri results, I think it’s ms but I’m scared it could be worse, any advice ?
Sorry: too many long words for me, so I can’t help with that, I’m afraid. I hope that you get to talk to the neurologist soon about what your results mean. Don’t criticise yourself if you feel you’re going round the bend with anxiety - I’m afraid that is a perfectly normal response. I hope that you get some reassuring answers soon from your medical advisors.
Hi (Charlotte?). I am absolutely no medic. A PhD in plant disease but nothing other than an ‘informed’ lay man’s knowledge of human diseases etc. So definitely don’t take my word for it. My wife used to work as an ‘eye’ nurse in our local hospital. In my case, MS was diagnosed after an episode of Optic Neuritis and I think what I had was ‘typical’ ON. From what I know ‘ Typical’ ON seems to be linked with MS. Atypical ON seems to arise from various conditions including ‘inflammatory’ conditions (I see from a quick bit of reading that a) syphilis can be one of such conditions and b) that you were tested negative for syphilis so I’m guessing that your consultant is checking for a range of possible causes for your ‘atypical’ ON)
This is a long way of saying that I think that you are just going to have to wait for the results of the other tests and that from what I understand , you shouldn’t assume MS. Sorry if this isn’t much help !
Just to second what was already written, it is indeed completely normal to be anxious over this. Don’t hold back, talk as much as you feel like to anyone you feel might be helpful to talk to. Often talking about dreadful things can make them seem a little less dreadful. I didn’t get to talk to anyone about my MS beyond my family going “get back here now” and my boss going “can you still work like before or should we fire you?”, and I have been completely depressed about it for 2 years. Get it out in the open, cry about it, yell about it, and then hopefully you get a good result and can sigh and laugh with relief.
It does seem in general that “typical” is more linked to MS than “atypical” as is mentioned here already, and you seem to have a few lesions, and well, MS basically means “there are several lesions”, making it understandable you would quickly think so, but it feels a little like MS is sometimes the “we found no particular problem causing the lesions but well err you have a lot of them” diagnosis. So far you’ve gotten negatives from the checks it seems, and on the particularly bad things by the looks of it, so well that’s a relief at least. It could be MS, but like the others mention they cannot call it MS until they haven’t been able to find any other reason basically, meaning that MS diagnosis often seems to take a little while. Just have to try to eat well, sleep well, and otherwise rant and cry out your worries, while waiting for those last results. None of those remaining ones are like, “you’re going to die” stuff from what I can see at least and it’s amazing what medical treatment can make us largely recover from or at least live with in this day and age, so stay positive and smash your sofa cushion into the ground with vengeance when you cannot! Rely on people around you that you can, every little bit helps. With good things to fall back on you can handle any result that comes your way.
It’s going to be alright.