Hi! I had posted this on the old forum before it disappeared to thought I would try again Just a quick history - I had an MRI scan last year which was “consistent with but not diagnostic of demyelination”. I then had EP’s where are normal. At this time my Neuro advised probable ms and referred me to an MS nurse. This year I decided to try and have the diagnosis firmed up and was referred to a Neuro who specialises in MS. I was subsequently admitted for a few days for various tests including the dreaded LP - this was not too bad despite it taking 3 attemps. No headache but quite a sore back! They were also testing for something called sjogrens. So - to the cause of my anxiousness! I had been sent a letter with a follow up appointment for November after my discharge. Then on Monday this week I had a call from the Neuro’s secretary asking if I could come in to see him on his return from holiday on the 6th September to discuss my results which were now in. Is this normal or should I prepare myself for a diagnosis? Has anyone had experience of an appointment being pulled in like this and is it more likely that my results have shown something rather than nothing? I did ask the secretary but she said she was not technical enough to read the results - so I don’ t think they are supposed to say anything. The next 10 days feel like forever after a two year journey! Any experiences/advise would be most welcome! Cx