Evening gang!
can you tell me,please. who has suffered any eye trouble due to PPMS?
I`m still gathering info to help me in my never ending quest for a diagnosis.
I have never (fingers crossed) suffered with any.
many tas.
luv Pollx
Evening gang!
can you tell me,please. who has suffered any eye trouble due to PPMS?
I`m still gathering info to help me in my never ending quest for a diagnosis.
I have never (fingers crossed) suffered with any.
many tas.
luv Pollx
Yes I suffer with Diplopia, I now have to wear glasses with prism in them.
Kylie x
Hi Poll, I have a general problem with double-vision… sometimes worse than others. Sometimes I have trouble reading, or it takes me a while to adjust to the double image, but usually it’s not a problem. The optician can find no reason for it so it is assumed to be MS related.
Apart from that I have never had eye trouble (touch wood). Never had optic neuritis. Never had ‘pale discs’ (which show the optician that you’ve had undiagnosed ON.) Most lists of MS symptoms say that eye trouble is often one of the first symptoms, but not for me.
Good post Poll. I have often wondered about this myself, esp in terms of PPMS.
Pat x
Hi Poll I am like you. I have, as yet, not had any problems with my eyes. When I saw the MS specialist in Dec, he examined my eyes at length, doing all sorts of clinical exams on them and asking repeatedly if I had problems with them. He seemed anxious to find something! Anyway, nothing. Hth Teresa xx
I’m with Pat, double vision - I’m seeing this screen through a blurry haze. I’ve spent a fortune in the last few years, on glasses, I now realise it’s the drugs. I can’t stay on for long as tired eyes take over I’m NOT sleeping I’m just resting my eyes…Take care, M
Hi, thanks muchly for the info. You rest those peepers now, yeh?
luv Pollx
Hi Teresa, let`s hope it stays that way, eh?
Cheers for replying.
luv Pollx
Cheers Pat, for your reply. you are a good `un…always there helping out, bless you!
luv Pollx
Hi Kyles, ta for your reply. hadn`t heard that word
luv Pollx
Hi Sarah, oh right. cheers for that love.
I had ON in 1997, I can’t remember much about it to be honest! I was diagnosed in September of last year after a few months of problems. I was only made aware/reminded of the ON when my GP wrote a supporting statement for my retirement application.
Now I have problems after I’ve been playing on the computer or reading and then look up - it takes a while to re-focus. But that might be due to getting older!
Sarah x
Hi Poll
I’ve not had any problem with my eyes up until last year, even though I have had ppms for yonks.
The optician sent me to a specialist who would not commit to ON but said that the pressure in my eyes needs regular checking.
I have always been led to believe that people with ppms appear to have less problems with the eyes than those with rrms. Dont know for sure, but it was a neuro who told me this.
Take care and keep warm
Hi Pam, ta for that love. Others have said the same re PPMS and eye problems.
I wear specs for reading and my optician always gives my eyes and extra special examination when i told him I have/could have MS.
I have found a way to keep warmer…sit in my chenille recliner instead of wheelie more…with my cosy fleecy blanket round me.
luv Pollx
Hi Sarah, thanks for your reply love. can I ask, do you wear specs for reading?, I do, my latest specs are plain reading lenses but i don`t like them, as my previous ones are varifocals and they are much better for reading and looking up or at the tv.
Next time i will get varifocals again. As i am a full time wheeler, I don`t have the balance problem, walking folk get with new varifocals. They took me about 3 months to get used to. There is only a small area you look through to read.
Why not try some cheapies, if you don`t have prescription specs, eh?
luv Pollx
Hi Poll,
Yes I wear specs, have done since I was about 8. I haven’t been able to read the big letter for years! I’m as blind as a bat; in fact the whole family are - even the dog we had when I started wearing glasses was blind!! She went on to have an eye removed as she walked into a corner of a cupboard or something, but that’s a different story!!
I’ve had varifocals for about the last 3 years and have had no problems getting used to them - I was expecting it to be really weird but it was fine. I know my prescription includes a prism in one or both eyes. I did mention my re-focusing problems when I was last at the opticians; maybe next time I’ll have to stress my concerns a little louder!
Take Care Poll,
Sarah x
Cheers Sarah for your reply.
luv Pollx
Hi Poll, I got your emailTake care, have a good weekend, M
ln 30yrs of spms - l have never had eye-problems. TN yes. l do now have to wear glasses for reading - but at 64 thats expected. l can read road-signs before most folk have actually seen the sign. ln our local - l can’t read the menu - but can read the ‘specials’ board from right across the pub!!
lts strange that the ‘experts’ still can’t put a name to your illness. You must be unique.
Watched Alan Titchmarsh yesterday afternoon. Someone had made a lovely mat by plaiting strips of old denim jeans and stitching it into an oval. lt would be very hard wearing - and washable. They used the different shades of denim to make a design.
l have used the ‘ass’ of old jeans to make the underside of cushions. My old mum makes lots of cross-stitch/tapestry and l found this a novel way of displaying her work. She did tapestries depicting 2pairs of sneakers - and loafers. The backside of the jeans looks terrific with the pockets and studs. On monday - bin day - l noticed someone in the village had put on top of their bin - two large seat cushions - l should think off a settee. They looked like new - and very clean - so you can guess what l did - put one in front of my legs and the other on top - could just about see round it - and me, the tramper,and the rotts nipped back home with them. l shall be making ‘dogbeds’ out of them. Keeping my eyes open now for suitable material. Charity shops are usually a good bet. Just need good quality curtains or old duvet covers.
lts started snowing here - and l haven’t taken the dogs out yet. Shall have to start dressing up in my ‘anouk of the north’ outfit. Made my daughters bull terrier a coat -made from an old Guiness fleece. He looked very cosy in it yesterday when we went out.
love Frances
Hi Frances, what a lovley interesting reply. you do keep busy and always seem to be in control
! But I know you also have your more difficult times…like me, you put a brave face on for others!
Now about those nicked sofa seat cushions…I heard the police are looking for an overstuffed mobility scooter, speeding up the road!!!
luv Pollx
I was diagnosed with M.S. thirty years ago due to my left eye wondering about on its own accord looking in directions not directed by me, so i could see things to my left and right at the same time. I was treated at Whitechapel Hospital as it was one of the few hospitals that had a brain scanner. I was treated with very high dose of pregnisalone and my eye returned to normal after a few weeks I was aged 19. At the time information about what caused M.S. was pretty sparse. I was basically advised not to eat more than 2 eggs a day.
I decided that seen as I may end up in a wheel chair I might as well enjoy life as much as possible before then. I have had 26 years of heavy drinking smoking drugs parties raves etc. In that time I have had two kids built a business but had a ‘normal’ life. I have had a few minor problems including numbness of legs slurred speech tiredness. Every time I went to doctors they just told me that these different symtoms where down to my M.S. I have never seen a consultant about any of them.
My doctors apparently thought I was seeing a consultant on a regular basis so did not bother reffering me. At one stage after a few years visits complaining me tiredness I heard about sleep appnear on the radio and insisted I got tested for it. It turns out that I was waking from deep sleep every 3 minutes and as it takes three minutes to get into deep sleep I was not getting any deep sleep at all. At the time I used to use coccain to stay awake when I went out . I was given a breathing assisting machine and it has worked well so have not had cocain since.
Any how due to financial circumstances the last four years I have given up drinking and heavy partying.
I have not kept up on the developments with M.S. over the last 30 years as I have basically tried to pretend I didn’t have it.
Recently I have had a relapse effecting my eye balance hearing etc.So I decided to see what the latest developments with research are.
I am quite astounded to learn that we are pretty much at the same stage we were 30 years ago the last time I looked into it. With the usual breakthroughs on the horizon. I thought they would be cloning myolin by now and patching up nerves etc. They were looking into diet 30 years ago and still have not decided if vitamin D effects MS or not.
What the hell have they been spending all the research money on for the last 30 years. Is it all just a gravy train. God knows how much has been spent getting nowhere. They were on about a mederterainian diet might be good for you 30 years ago and they still have not decided that. Where is the bang for the buck what progress has been made. I believe they have decided that eating two eggs a day makes no difference which is good as I love eggs but come on is that it in 30 years. Sorry about spellings eyes and brain not quite working rite.