Eye issues

Hi everyone!

I hope you’re all well. I have a question about my eye.

Since this morning my vision is a bit blurry. It’s like my vision is not in focus as much. The vision is like when you have something in your eye. Like a layer of something. But it doesn’t feel scratchy. But like when you wake up in the morning and have to kind of rub your eye and then your vision is clear. Does that make sense ? Is this MS related or is this an eye sight issue ?

4 years ago I had optic neuritis in the other eye, but it started with pain on eye movement - then moving to partial sight loss. So quite different to this one.

any advice appreciated ! Thank you !

I keep rubbing my eye, but the vision doesn’t clear…

Hi Emily,

Have you had your folic acid and VitD levels checked?

I ask because mine were below normal and I had exactly what you are describing. Eyes are fine now after taking extra Vits and Folic acid.

Hi !

I take both of these every day already and have done for a really long time. Thank you though ! I am glad it helped you.

Hello Emily

I don’t know is the simple answer. But I wish I did because I’ve got the same!!

I had my eyes tested a few weeks ago because I was bothered about the sight in my left eye. It’s as you describe, a bit blurry but I’ve had it for weeks (maybe a few months).

The optician said my sight was OK. The left eye is just weaker than the right, apparently that’s normal. There’s nothing visible on the optic nerve and although I have a choroidal nevus (a kind of freckle or mole on the retina) it’s not changed since last time so that’s not an issue. I use Hycosan eye drops, which are like artificial tears, they help a lot.

Having an optometrist look at your eyes is an important thing to do. They can rule out anything sinister or troublesome.

I’m having to just live with my blurry eye. But there could be a reason for yours, I’d suggest you get yours looked at. High street opticians are pretty good at detecting oddities and anomalies.


A lot of the time with eye problems in MS the problem is in the brain, and the eyes when tested by a high street optician are found to be fine.Best thing to do is ask your neuro to be seen by a specialist who can look further back in the eye.I have really poor vision but when tested by opticians they don’t pick up on the problem.

The very first MS symptom that my sister had was a dark shadow in one of her eyes.

She went to the option who immediately advised her to seek further advice.