I had my emg and nerve conduction tests today. Wow that was a bizarre experience. I started to feel like I was in some nazi human testing torture cell. An hour of electric shocks. Needles and paddles to the skull. I’m still a bit jumpy twitchy now and it’s been about 11 hours.
It was clear my results are not ‘normal’ but the neurologist didn’t give much more away. Cited muscle wastage and messages not getting to where they need to. My reflexes are much wilder in my numb side and with the needles in I could clearly see sound waves when my muscles were at rest which I know is not how a healthy muscle reacts. I of course now have my ‘Internet MD’…
After he’d finished torturing me he asked if I had difficulty walking. I don’t but that’s too simplistic. I feel vulnerable. Like I need to concentrate and I wouldn’t dare run in case… He also made me move my tongue from side to side and asked about eating speaking and breathing. Any issues.
My fear of ms has moved to a fear of mnd.
Does that sound possible? I don’t have much feedback on my brain scan yet other than no tumours and an old head injury visible (from what I don’t know). No ref to lesions presence or absence which was frustrating (previous rant) as I’d made my ms concerns clear.
Limbo is hell. But mnd is a death sentence isn’t it. Suddenly ms doesn’t look so bad.
When are you having your follow-up with your neuro Tilly? Sounds as though you really need some answers.
Jane x
I don’t know. Supposedly after all these results emg and mri are sent to the neurosurgeon. Which should be tail end of last week beginning of this? Since I googled the diff between neurosurgeon and neurologist I suspect as the guy I’ve seen is a neurosurgeon (referral based on neck mri revealing a disc bulge that’s proved irrelevant) he may refer me to a neurologist which I anticipate though probably what ought to be done it will only serve to increase my wait. . The guy who did the emg was a neurologist And asked who i had seen and said ok so you’ve not actually seen a neurologist yet.
To add to the mix I now also have an urgent referral to the breast clinic for a lump. I’m uncharacteristically calm about this. I believe it’s basic protocol and frankly with the neuro concerns there’s just no room for more stress. Unless of course that turns out to be an issue and all my stuff is connected. Which really doesn’t bear contemplation
So much for the new year toast to good heAlth in 2016. What a joke.
Gosh you really are going through it right now. Yes normal protocol for referral re your breast lump. As you probably know most are easily explainable and not sinister at all
Does the neurologist who did your EMG offer private consultations? This is the route I went down and my consultation was £250. Is this a possibility for you to speed things up?
Jane x
My initial referral to neurosurgeon was private and that gobbled up my v limited private healthcare allowance. I work part time for a charity that is one of the worst paying charities. Ant the bottom of the low earners heap. Nothing spare. Though a friend who is having multiple health issues is going private himself and my appointments for similar. Mri emg etc has been only a week or so quicker than mine. My local hospital is a big teaching hospital and I’ve not had to wait long for the tests themselves. Not sure private would speed things up that much really.
That’s really good waiting times for you. Where I am its a 4 month wait (NHS) vs 1-2 week wait (private). Despite the fact that I work clinically in the NHS I was told that work couldn’t speed things up, which is a shame as it’ll possibly impact on me getting back to work sooner.
I consulted a gp about my gammy hand on 9 March. Since then I had a neck mri a return to gp a referral to neurosurgeon. Then brain mri and emg.
All within 3 months. I think that’s quite good. Just want some bloody results!
the longest wait ironically was seeing the n surgeon privately.
have you had any of your tests Jane? i looked back to see where you were. whats been ordered for you?
I’ve had one neurology app, one CT scan and one MRI next app with neurologist next week all within three months on nhs not sure if that’s quick or not
Just had a brain/full spine MRI last week, awaiting follow-up now.