I can’t speak from experience myself Andy but I’m sure several people on here have said they suffer with tinnitus. Someone will come along soon and tele you I’m sure. Teresa xx
Any symptom is worth mentioning and then your neuro can rule it out if it doesn’t fit. That is, if you have enough time during your appointment. Neuros always seem to be pushed for time. Teresa xx
Tinnitus is a known symptom of MS, normally caused by either muscle spasms in the ear or by damage to the auditory nerves. (I have bilateral tinnitus - courtesy of auditory nerve damage from a relapse in 2010.)
Loss of hearing is also found in MS, but in other conditions too.
I’m not really sure how long it was but probably at least half an hour. My second was a rushed 15 mins but my final one with an MS specialist was a good hour. Hth, Teresa xx
Teresa thanks for the info regarding the appointment, am dreading what tests they do,I suppose it’s just a case of wait and see
different neuros different tests, I suppose it will depend on what I tell them?
Karen thanks to you too, I only have Tinnitus in one "ear " however I have hearing loss in both ears, I should rekon the neuro will see by my 2 hearing aids I have hearing loss, I will mention the tinnitus to him/her
your both really kind, it’s just I don’t want to appear to be a complete mess when I see the neuro, I have OSA,Fibromyalgia and a heart condition
hey ho lifes a bitch at times…thanks again virtual hugs your way ladies xx
Since a couple of months I seem to have Tensor tympani myoclonus. It comes and goes, sometimes wakes me when Im asleep. Its a spasm of a tiny weeny middle ear muscle but it causes repeated really loud unrhythmic thumping/drumming noises in the ear which is very irritating. I never thought until your post that this could be an ms symptom but reading your post and Karen’s reply makes me wonder…
it may like karen said be worth a mention to your neuro, mine is constant and sometimes I get a feeling like I have an insect crawling inside drives me nuts! doctor looked inside and found nothing , I will say when I feel really bad and my symptoms get worse the tinnitus levels rise, hope this may be helpful to you
Thanks Andy - the perfect description of what I hear is its like I have a moth fluttering in my ear so I understand what you mean by insects crawling inside. Its very sporadic, sometimes nothing for days and then it wakes me in the night. At the moment I dont have many symptoms other than buzzing/vibration sensations and a weird sort of slight vertigo feeling - nothing to make me fall over tho. So I dont think its worth seeing my neuro now but if things get worse I will go and also mention this ear thing.
Hi Andy I understand your nervousness over your first appointment. It really helps to have a friend or partner to go with you to act as support and as a second pair of ears. Make sure you list your main symptoms and in chronological order of when they started. Take the list with you to read from and offer a copy to the neuro at the end of your consultation. That way he won’t be able to ignore any of what you say. If you have time, add any minor symptoms just to complete the picture. He/she will mainly discuss your history at this appointment, do a clinical exam and probably inform you that he i’s sending you for tests like an MRI, an LP and VEPs. I hope this helps, Teresa xx