DVLA driving appraisal

I have my driving appraisal in August with dvsa, on behalf of the dvla.

im worried the dvla may revoke my driving license.

has any1 had an appraisal? I would appreciate some pointers and a heads up on what to expect


Hi Omar.

I had a driving assessment at the mobility centre in Derby. I actually did this voluntarily, not because the DVLA wanted me to. They were great there, really supportive & understanding. They gave me a quick neurological exam & asked about my health & whatnot. As one of the staff said there, they weren’t looking for things to stop me driving - they were looking to see if there were any things I might need that would help me drive; they were interested in helping me to drive, not finding reasons to revoke my licence.

I got to have drive with three different hand controls (I’m a wheelchair user, so can’t easily use the foot pedals). That was really good, as it gave me the chance to try them & see what ones I liked best and found easiest to use.

I can’t remember if they gave me a final decision there & then, or if I had wait for something in the post, but I got the answer I was hoping for. You could phone them up & ask what kind of things you’ll be doing.

Good luck, hope it goes well.



I am on a 3 years licence, which now appears as standard for people with MS.

It was at a DVLA test centre. The assessor was very friendly and explained that it was not a driving test but an assessment of my ability to drive. I had to read a number plate at a distance to check my eye site. The assessment was in 2 parts. The first half was following his directions so looked at my ability to follow verbal directions. The 2nd half looked at my ability to follow road signs by asking me to follow directions to a location by using signs.

It was a relaxed, friendly assessment and felt nothing like a test. It lasted 50 minutes and the assessor put me at ease.

at the end he explained that he would sent a report to the DVLA and they would make the decision but indicated that his report would not contain any recommendations to revoke my licence.

in my experience I see their role as checking that you are safe on the roads. It is definitely not like the driving test.




Thanks for putting this up.

I have been recently diagnosed, with MS. My current flare up, and what made me see the doctors is of Optic Neuritis. Since the ON I have made the decision myself not to drive. I can’t believe how much I have taken the car or granted and how much it helps me out. Frankly, I have been shitting myself that I won’t be able drive, or if my insurance premiums will increase. So so far, as I haven’t been driving I haven’t yet informed the DVLA or my insurers of my condition. But reading this and going on a comparision site for the insurance it has put me at ease with regards this.

Thanks again

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Generally, people are required to inform the DVLA of a medical condition such as MS. See Medical conditions, disabilities and driving: Telling DVLA about a medical condition or disability - GOV.UK

​You complete a form and send it off to them. Your doctor (GP) is also asked for information. It’s not normally a requirement that you have a driving assessment but it may be required and/or useful.

Your insurance shouldn’t change as a result of MS.

If you have relapsing remitting MS, your current optic neuritis should clear up. You might find that steroids help to speed up remission. Maybe get some help and advice from your MS nurse if you have one. Personally, before diagnosis I did drive once with ON but it was a scary drive, seeing double. When I’ve had ON since I’ve made the decision not to drive at all. It’s basically up to you as a driver to ensure you are safe on the roads.


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I have sent the forms off to the DVLA and have informed my insurer. The insurer has said as long as I have been not been told that I cannot drive by the doctors then it is ok. My ON cleared up quite considerably last week. It’s not 100 ‰ just yet but considering I could not read the first letter on the opticians chart then overnight I could see the third from bottom it’s a great improvement.