DVLA assessment by GP

Has anyone any experience with driving assessment carried out by your GP? I informed the DVLA as i was duty bound after my diagnosis. They decided i need this assessment by my GP. I just wondered what form this would take?

sorry, i have no idea.

but at least i’ve been able to bump you to the top of the page

carole x

Hi, I think they might mean that you get your GP to refer you to an assessment centre, where they assess your driving abilities, I have had a similar letter, i haven’t driven for more than two and a half years but only recently rang the DVLA, as i wondered if their might be adaptations that might help me. The letter said that you could refer yourself, but i think it might be expensive and the other option was to be referred through my GP.

I hope that helps.



I am just about to embark on adaptions for my car. I had an assessment with Access To Work today, I spoke to her about my lack of confidence in driving/riding my motorbike, she recommended getting in contact with Motability before I contact the DVLA about their assessment centres.

Not sure if that helps, not really sure what I’m doing myself really, just finding my way in the dark…


Thanks for your replies. I have subsequently learnt it is a simple GP assessment just to confirm I am in good condition for driving as this is the first time I have informed the DVLA I have MS. I am not so worried about it now. Thanks again, Trev

My conclusion to this post. Saw Dr. He asked me to confirm type of MS which is RRMS. He asked if I recover totally after an attack. I felt it best to be honest and say no as all my letters from MS specialists talk about my numb hands and feet, weak legs, fatigue and balance. I eluded to this but he seemed to no take much notice of me. He asked a few per tenant questions relating to eye sight, limb function etc. He ticked no to these boxes and said not to worry as I am fit to drive in his opinion. Much as I expected. Later that day I had a text from the Dr. To say I had an appointment to see him the next day. I duely went. He told me he needed to examing me as he had not read all the letters from the specialists when we met the day before. He asked me to lie on the bed and to resist his pushing my legs and feet in various directions. I was able to resist so he thanked me and sent me on my way. Moral is I worried over nothing… Thanks for replies and for reading this.mit may help if anyone else finds the DVLA insist on a medical.


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This means that you are to be assessed by the medical officer of the DVLA, to find out whether you are fit for driving. Last year I met with an accident and my left leg was fractured. I called at DVLA contact number http://www.fixithere.net/dvla-contact-number/ and apprised them the whole situation. They transferred my call to the dealing department and they told me to contact DVLA medical officer. After meeting with the medical officer, I was told to suspend my driving license for five weeks. After the period if my condition will be ok by MO, then on the basis of fitness certificate issued by him, I can get my license back. After 5 weeks, I was examined by the doctor and he issued be fitness certificate and I received my license back.

To finally conclude this post, I now have a new driving licence valid for three years at which point I have to apply for a new one. A bit over the top but at least they finally made a decision.


Did the DVLA stop you driving while they assessed your case?

They took 7 months to make a decision but I held a full licence during this time.


I am so happy to hear you are able to keep your licence. I just cant ever imagine being told I can’t drive again and pray to anyone that’s listening that, that never happens. Cat


Hi there, I advised the DVLA 3 years ago that I had MS and was given a 3 year restricted licence, i recently had a letter for it to be renewed and today had a call from my GP saying the DVLA want me to have an assessment at the surgery next Wednesday (15th Feb). Could I just ask what it involes? Im fit and well and am not on any meds at all for my MS. Thanks x

Hi, don’t worry, very simple test. I sent you a private message.
