Dreading tomorrow

Hi Everyone, hope you’re all doing well…

I got a call from my gp surgery telling me to come in tomorrow following my blood tests this week. Every time he has called me in he’s packed me off to hospital. I suppose I could pack my bag before I go, but no, I really can’t cope, I spent the entire first week of 2016 in there and I’ve had enough!!!

I’m actually really stressed about this visit as the tests done are for inflammatory responses by my body and I don’t like what that could indicate. I’m really struggling with fatigue and can’t cope with any more of my body breaking down. I keep joking that they’re going to put me on the scrap heap, but now I’ve changed my mind. If there’s any more diagnoses they’re going to add to my long list, I want referring to the vet. I can’t afford Switzerland and they were so good when they put the hamster to sleep. They’re licensed to put cows and horses down so they can manage my weight.

Just please cross your fingers for me. I can’t talk to my family as dad isn’t doing very well and they’ve got enough to worry about. That’s why I can’t get admitted either, mum can’t leave the house unless I’m there. I just feel like I’m at breaking point. Sorry to be so miserable. Take care.

Cath x

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Hi Cath, sorry your having a bad time of it, i hope things turn out ok when you go to the drs, please let us know .

things are tough for you just now,i hope today you feel more able to cope,i am just the same at the moment, just as one things sorted along comes something else.


J x

Cath I am so sorry you’re having such a bad time lately and to have the added worry of your parents must be dreadful. I like that you still have humour, although I guess like me when you joke like that there is a truth lurking there too.

Have you got all the help they are entitled to set up for your parents, I’m sure you have and have posted about it but I forget most things lately. It’s worth checking with social services.

I’ll be thinking about you today and tomorrow in particular, let us all know how you get on.

Best wishes

Jan x

Cath, so sorry and sad to read this.

Really hoping GP doesn’t send you back to hospital. But I think you should tell your family what’s going on. People are far more able to cope than we think and I’m sure they are able to support your dad AND you. It’s hell going through these things and keeping it secret.

Thinking of you today and fingers crossed for tomorrow.

Pat xx

Hi Cath

I am so sorry to hear this, I have everything crossed for you at your appointment, hoping for a good outcome.

Life can be so cruel sometimes, I so hope you and your family have good times ahead.

Please let us know how it goes, take care.

Pam x

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Hi Cath,

Try not to worry - there may be no reason to, it may not be as bad as you fear at all.

It’s tough with MS, isn’t it. You just can never know what is around the corner. I try to adopt a “cross that bridge if/when I come to it” attitude but, being human, that can’t work 100% of the time.

Take it easy.

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Fingers firmly crossed for you Cath, and thinking of you.Your sense of humour shows through in what you say despite your fears and misery. Way to go! Jan is right about asking social services to help with your parents- but I’m sure you know it, and the need to try and sort it out just adds more stress. But one phone call in the right place?

Anyway try to stay positive as you can.

Lots of love

Kev x

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Hello, Cath.

Like everyone else, I’ve got fingers crossed and am sending you big hopes and wishes. Sometimes things can seem hopeless.

Hugs, Steve.x

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Fingers crossed for you, Cath. Hope it’s not as bad as you think and I’ll be thinking of you.

Mags xx

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Thanks Everyone, your messages mean more than I can tell you. Since my kidney infection over New Year my fatigue levels have soared and left me feeling like a limp dishcloth. I’m sure you can all relate to that, and when your body is tired you wobble a bit more.

Last night I just hit a real low after falling down the stairs and hurting my back and knee. On top of the stress of being called in to see the gp it was enough to bring me to tears.

On a positive note, my blood test results are still 3 times higher than they should be which means that I have inflammation somewhere in my body but I have reasoned that my body is still run down, muscles ache and I think I’ve unknowingly eaten gluten as I have a rash on my face which is what gluten causes, so we’re going to wait 4 weeks before I have another test, if it’s still high then, we’ll look into it further!! NO need for hospitals or vets at the moment. (He did enjoy that suggestion once he realised I wasn’t actually suicidal)

I saw my Neuro on Tuesday and he is also my dad’s Neuro. He asked after dad and was really shocked when he heard that mum and dad refuse to have carers and is contacting his mnd nurse who will push the issue. I felt awful thinking that my fatigue was affecting the treatment dad was happy with, but as he said, it’s a situation they face often and have to be realistic about. Mum is almost 70 and has arthritis, if she injures herself, they’re in a pickle. They need to consider a care package now, it’s long past time. We’re very fortunate though where we live, our Neuro, OT, district nurses and physio are very experienced, dedicated and can’t be faulted. One phone call and dad’s team visit.

Well, thanks again, your support is much appreciated. You are all lovely and your friendship means a lot.

Cath xx


Cath, Bit of a shit about trying the quick route down the stairs hope the bruising is not too bad (cotton wool hugs). I have nothing much to add to the discussion apart from hats off to you for your positive outlook it is in someway lifting my spirits when the days are not as good. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


Thanks Charlie. I try to remain positive with varying degrees of success. Luckily I have acquired some extra padding since my mobility became limited and that cushioned the impact somewhat. My posterior has always been well padded and that took the brunt of the fall so I count myself very lucky.

I don’t think I’ve seen you around here so welcome if you’re new, write it down to the mild concussion I may have got from my tumble if you’re not. Take care everyone.

Cath x

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Hi Cath

That’s a bummer with your blood test results, but thinking positively the GP has given it another month to improve, fingers crossed for a good result nextt time.

I definitely feel that would be a good move for your parents to have a care package, not only for them, but it would take some of the pressure off you, and in turn, may help with your problems by relieving some stress. Let’s hope the neuro can work his magic and push for some help for them.

Sorry to hear about your fall, hope your bruises are improving, I expect you already know, larnica is good for that. If the stairs become too much of a problem, what about a stair lift? The OT could help with that, if you think that’s a possibility.

Hope your weekend is a good one Cath, take care.

Pam x

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Sorry Cath,

Iv’e only just seen your message, i hope that you are feeling better today. its exhausting being ill and looking after your parents as well must be unbelievably hard i really hope that you get the support that you need.

love Michelle x


Thanks Michelle. I’m having a quiet day today, I never realised how many adverts there are for bingo on the telly!!!

Pam I was really tired and missed a step while on the stairs, the messages between my brain and legs obviously had gone to sleep. My OT has put rails up for me but I had my pj’s in my hand ready for my shower and didn’t grab one. Mum and dad want me to sell my house and buy theirs when dad goes (not the nicest conversation we’ve ever had but dad is determined to make all the plans now so mum doesn’t have to do it, and she wants somewhere smaller) and they’ve got the stairlift, wide doors and everything else I’ll ever need, so I don’t want to adapt my house.

I’m usually okay getting about my house but some of these tumbles will happen no matter how diligent we are. My daughter’s off to Ireland on Monday so I have a week to myself to rest whenever I want, bliss!!! I’ve promised her I’ll keep my mobile on my person at all times as she was going to cancel. Kids can be worse than parents sometimes!

Take care

Cath xx

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