Having had my application for DLA turned down, and then I asked for it to be reviewed. I had established that a number of mistakes had been made which I posted about a couple of weeks ago, I pointed this out to them, they also wrote to my consultant whom I had asked them to contact in the first place, with in a week of them receiving that info I had a letter.
I had a letter to say I had been awarded middle rate care and higher rate mobility! from nothing to this, I am somewhat relieved.
So if your in this process don’t give up, keep fighting. And be aware you can request copies of all paper work relating to the claim. It really is worth getting a copy.
So pleased for you. Lovely to hear that you got it.
I’m waiting on whether i can still get middle rate care. it finishes soon as only got it for 2 yrs and they did’nt know how i would be. Hopefully will get it as i have now gone from tm to ppms and i’m worse than i was by a long shot but you never know with these people so at the moment i’m on tender hooks (which does’nt help)