Hi all,
Well i had my first claim for DLA refused, but the letter completely contradicted what id put on the form. Ive just typed out a two page A4 letter going into more detail to put with my reassesment. I dont know if it will make any differwence but im not giving up yet!! Im having a killer week so far, phoned my GP yesterday as in so much pain by 3pm at work that i needed more pain killers. I asked if could take more Tramadol but was told i couldnt. Ive now got to go back in and see her next Tuesady for a meds update,. it just annoys me so much that im working full time, in constant pain yet the government wont give me even £40 a week to help me. Im determined not to give up though, im counting the days until my next day off from work ( got 3 weeks to go) as im finding it hard to do more than one full week at a go. Im sorry for moaning ( it seems thats all i do lately)